Friday 23 December 2022

Opening Christmas salvo

The main Christmas message from us, readers, will be tomorrow morning.

There’s a point, methinks, where we gaze out and it’s all just too much. There was the egregious gang in Washington, the murderous thug they fawned over and the last item before I crashed and actually had a good sleep was this first one of DAD’s today:

British police arrest woman for silently praying. Several videos:

The expression running through my mind, over and over, it’s not even strictly biblical, is: “Have no truck with the unfruitful works of darkness.”

The most egregious thing about this scene below was firstly that she was a lady, not a nose-boning, rainbow coloured, tattooed shrieking harpy. And the copper was desperate, the little thug, to make it a crime.  She was keeping a vigil, Christians always have and so the pre-Cross era was also a vigil.  Vigils are in every faith, even the godless candle kumbaya after Charlie Hebdo.

What was her beef?  The spare baby-parts trade, the paedo trade, before even getting to the theological side, concerning the sanctity of life, the sanctity of marriage. It was an abortion clinic.

Very powerful image, that lady standing alone in the cold.  Very powerful.  Perhaps we need our iconic images too.

Everything within me cries out about that young thug without cap … a post-millennial telling her what’s what.  Father, forgive him, for he knows not what he does.  Pastor Pawlowski springs to mind too.

Protection, guidance and comfort, but only in order that we can do the work we have to do. Whether tis that lady or just a humble blogger, if it’s you in your abode, if it’s your day job today … whatever vicissitudes are thrown at you over this period … take it on the chin if poss.  

The one thing you must never, ever do, is despair, fall to pieces. Nils carborundum or whatever the expression was.

There was a comment below those videos, from a lady called Lola, presumably in America:

This is how persecution begins. The seats in the coliseum are starting to fill.


  1. That woman has a court order keeping her away from the abortion clinic. She's breached it four times, what would you do to a person that constantly flouts the law?

    1. JH: Act with some decency to her, not as thugs. Plus it’s an iniquitous law which requires defying.

    2. Agreed. What's the harm in her standing there? If it's pricking the consciences of the people attending, perhaps that's a good thing?


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