Wednesday 28 December 2022

Chivalry Is Dead, No Flowers Please...

Karen Alcock, 41, faced a judge at Lincoln Crown Court following the death of her daughter Kyra Leanne King.
She was charged with being the owner and/or in charge of a dog which was out of control causing injury resulting in death. Alcock today pleaded guilty while Kyra's father Vince King, 54, denied the charge.


Alcock will be sentenced next year while King will stand trial next June.
Addressing them both, Judge Simon Hirst said: 'Miss Alcock you've pleaded guilty and taken responsibility for what's happened and that will stand you in really good stead with the court when it's your sentence time.'

Counting on a pussy pass, I'm guessing? 

'Mr King you wish to have a trial as is your right.
'Given that your defence is effectively this is nothing to do with you, it's all to do with Miss Alcock, I'm afraid Miss Alcock will have to wait till the trial to be sentenced.'

What a fine specimen of manhood you chose to breed with, Miss Alcock.

Lincolnshire Police said the dog was being kept in isolation at secure kennels and officers were seeking a court order to have it destroyed.

Once again, the expense could all be avoided if ppolice shot the thing on the spot... 


  1. "What a fine specimen of manhood you chose to breed with, Miss Alcock."

    Ah yes, the always reliable (even when the standard pussy-pass fails) blame any man in the vicinity even if he has nothing to do with, or even knowledge of, a crime.

    Be honest, is it possible the dogs were hers. That he wasn't involved with buying, raising or not training them? (I have no idea if this is the truth of the matter, but believe it an entirely possible scenario - my own parents existed in such a situation, where my fathers entire involvement was in paying the bills for her hobby).

    But, merely living in the same house and, of course, being male automatically makes him guilty too, yes? Or is it despite no involvement he "should" lie so he can share in her culpability, because "equality" or something? (Now shift genders and tell us women must do the same, I thought not).

    This is why marriage, or even associating with a woman in any (allegedly) first-world country is now essentially nothing but masochism (and verging on suicide). No women is ever responsible for anything bad, but even when she patently is, it's still some mans fault really.

    I held a higher opinion of you than that, apparently wrongly.

    1. But it's not a case of 'blame any man in the vicinity' - he was in a relationship with her (it's unclear if he's the father of the child or not) and he clearly shared her hobby. If there was some doubt he was just along for the ride, I haven't seen it.

      If I do see it, I'll surely comment on any follow-up article.


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