Saturday 22 October 2022

Meanwhile, the psychos continue their havoc, largely unchecked

What would be the three most destructive issues since 2020 for the west, each the result of careful planning from long before?

Certainly the climate agenda, when everything from Mann’s hockey stick through UN Agenda 21 to the uselessness of EVneeding coal and other fuelling to the mania with which those running the west are pushing the indefensible.

Tied in with that is digital currency, sudden failures of food crops as processing plants mysteriously burn down and Rutte in the Netherlands sends troops to close farms over dangerous nitrogen in the soil … and so the loonery goes on.

The third has been the most immediate of these to most in the west and that’s the whole covid, mask, lockdown and deathjab or clotshot thing, known to be bollox since 2005 (Fauci), to have been planned since October 2019 (Johns Hopkins) and the rest we all know out there, particularly refuseniks … still being kept out of employment and refused services.

And in this country, the spinoffs are the collapse in trust in the NHS for one.  Dr. Elizabeth Evans:
Aside from lobbying for changes in Covid polices, a key purpose of the 50-plus open letters that the U.K. Medical Freedom Alliance has written to Government, regulators, decision-makers and individuals over the last two and a half years has been to create a paper trail of accountability.

When the day of reckoning eventually arrives, these publicly published and dated letters provide evidence that those making and implementing destructive and unethical policies cannot claim that they were unaware of the potential harms of their actions.
Add to this the recent development, in Boston, of a new virus supposed to kill 80% this time, rather than the ‘poor’ results from those before, e.g. OMGon, plus far more on social media about all sorts of abuses in hospitals.

Or this in America:

CDC Triggers Child Murder: Vax Mandates To Force Never ending Untested Dangerous C19 Shots

Cardiologist Risks EVERYTHING To Warn Americans About mRNA Vax

Two ladies who have been stomped on of late and are increasingly impossible to stomp on are Lara Logan and Kari Lake.  Yes, it certainly helps that they’re so photogenic but it’s also their CVs/resumes - the first a worldwide reporter sexually attacked in Egypt, now dumped by Newsmax, the second deep inside the media itself for thirty years, who knows all the tricks and is now turning them on the fake media itself.

I watched part of a CNN report where the two talking heads, the set, the music, were so ‘authoritative’, that’s the best word perhaps, where things already exploded were delivered with the utmost solemnity to ‘the people’ to the point where, were that your only media exposure at home, at work, in doctors’ and dentists’ waiting rooms, you’d of course form views based on that.

Meanwhile, in London:


  1. Looks like BoJo didn't surrender his keys to No.10's backdoor.


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