Thursday 27 October 2022

Did the authorities do the right thing this time?

Scene is a camp in Oregon for kids.

In a story like this, one expects the wicked Woke district officials to be the rabid far left at fault, and that the honest camp director was striking a blow for freedom … and yet the behaviour seems to have been the other way around.
District officials learned nonbinary counselors would be sharing cabins with the students, according to letters sent to parents later that day. Interviews with the district and emails from Oct. 18 show school officials took little deliberation before pulling students from the camp.
When we read:
Garber did not know how many students expressed discomfort or if they had actually requested they be taken home.
… it’s ordinarily one of these ‘some march or whatever called off because one mystery person had complained’, no one ever finding out whom that was.  Not here … it does seem as if children’s letters triggered the reaction and that those reacting were officialdom … quite rightly this time.

Wonders never cease.  Are things coming full circle?  Is that too much to hope for?

In Oregon?

1 comment:

  1. My experience is that Oregon (away from the usual metropolitan idiocy found everywhere, although taken to excess, by importing everywhere else's woke fanatics, in Portland of course) is that it is 'what Texas pretends to be'.

    Your average Oregonian is a gun-toting, church-attending 'red-neck' with a distinct freedom, independence, self-sufficient and conservative (small C) streak.

    It's much like California (seriously!) where the real Californians are now sadly outnumbered by the imports from the elsewhere who've destroyed the place, just not so far gone ... yet.

    So? The only real surprise is that those "counsellors" weren't run through a wood-chipper, or just 'disappeared' to show them that their 'perversion' isn't welcome around those areas (I'd guess they're outsiders who live in Portland, and expected to continue openly as they do there. Not. Going. To. Happen.)


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