Tuesday 13 September 2022

Climate of distrust (part two of two)

 So people start digging and things they know they knew of, had seen but have forgotten the details of, both appear through the “samizdat” and don’t appear in any outlet mainstream or controlled medium.  Something dysfunctional there, no?  Were we imagining it all?

A concrete example was Monday 21 just gone.

And here were thoughts by two readers:
Andy: I recall being at work when news of the NY atrocity came through. We had the television on right next to my workstation. I saw the BBC report you mentioned. I laughed and called people over, too late. Then I doubted my memory. Since then there have been many mentions of that, so I know it to be true.

Woody42: I have reached the point where I believe nothing I hear or read from authorities or the MSM about anything to do with the WEF takeover (which incudes 9/11, climate, Covid, US elections, Russia, Ukraine, UK politics, global debt, child exploitation and all variations and offshoots of each). It's all theatre.They have created a fantasy world that we are all supposed to believe in and support while few hundred of the 'elite' take ownership of the world as we know it. I haven't the faintest idea how we or anyone can stop them because the illusion is believed by so many people and there are so many diverse fronts to oppose.

Andy: New bivalent cackses, tested on mice, accepted for mass human trials are attracting some MSM attention.


Good to see that those who feel alone in declining are being told that they have fellow disbelievers and are one among many. The article does give the impression that it supports the rollout but it's a small chunk out of the wall of suppression. Then the cynic in me might see it as the thin end of the wedge of segregation and internment. We are forever looking over our shoulders, wondering where the next attack is coming from. Woodsy commented earlier on Mon. 21 about not believing a word from the them and their mouth pieces. Trust is getting thin on the ground right now.

The downside though of total distrust is that the baby also gets thrown out with the now effluent bathwater.  Who was it said yesterday not to tear down institutions that were built to protect people from govt but to clean them out, as with Hercules and the Augean stables?  Leave the stables standing, fumigated, renovate, shore up, reinforce.

That takes … not just valour but also, maybe, some God-given wisdom.

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