Monday 22 August 2022

South Africa is descending into Barbarism and Riot.

The Headline from the Telegraph can be found here. I do not exaggerate, I do not publish fake news; I tell it as I see it!


  1. John in cheshireAugust 22, 2022 1:25 pm

    Grandpa, I agree wholeheartedly with everything you say. The likes of Peter Hain and Joe Slovo, to name but two, though there were many white haters of white South Africa, will have to answer to God for their crimes on judgement day, together with the likes of Winnie Mandela, wife of the terrorist.
    These same haters destroyed Rhodesia and once done they turned their hatred onto South Africa.
    May God protect the white South African farmers and the poor, white South Africans.

  2. I was posted as an 'observer/advisor' with SADF for a while (against SWAPO, I even met PWB himself once, and the picture you paint was even more true with them) ...

    'You' had both the good reason, sense and foresight to get out in time, but I see so many of the very whites who supported, campaigned, protested and demanded the end of the supposedly hateful apartheid and ... every single one of them is now living in America (and not one of the foreign campaigners would dare set foot there now).

    They did what communists always do, destroy something, personally profit from it, then scuttle away, leaving others to suffer the results of their imagined utopias. The fact that they scuttled so fast, showed that their hypocrisy was boundless, as they knew exactly what the results would be.

    Botswana is illustrative of 'African' politics though, a one-party, tribal dominated state that just happens to follow British institutional practices (or at least pretends to) and thrives because of it. But, with the increasing numbers flowing into it from elsewhere in Africa, how long that comfy deal continues is anyone's guess.


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