Sunday 7 August 2022

Bring Back Boris

 Item 1:

Item 2:


  1. How about reopening Traitor's Gate?

  2. Scratch any and all of those lining up to attack Boris and … underneath the mask you’ll find a Remoaner (Isn’t it amazing how the majority of those vilifying and attacking him are … fellow ‘Conservative’ politicians? The public … not so much (they don't so much like 'him' as detest all the alternatives), well except for the few die-hard remoaners of course). I particularly ‘like’ the typical irrelevant mothers quote – my mother, when I was that age, thought I would either be shot/hanged, end up in a mental institution or … rule the world by the time I reached twenty. I was a severe disappointment to her.

    I hate having to (constantly) explain to Americans that we have a Parliamentary system here – and having to do so to British is beyond belief (or am I just having to point out their hypocrisy?).

    A President has, is required, to have independent ideas, priorities and policies, and to voice them even if they are in opposition to his own parties – a Prime Minister, not so much.

    A Prime (merely, first amongst equals) Minister is simply a figure-head representing the views, aims and policies of The Party and The Cabinet, implementing and even voicing ‘their’ collective choices, unless … they have sufficient support to steer and dominate both (and no, Lady T. is not proof that that is false, since she was unable to implement anything until late in her tenure, when she had ‘luckily’ been able to gather sufficient like-minded people to allow here to finally implement ‘their’ shared aims and policies). The supposed ‘inconsistencies’ he showed were merely the conflict between ‘his’ views and ‘theirs’ leaking out.

    Boris is no (not even close to) Lady T., and he has/had a Party and Cabinet dominated by (bought and paid-for) Remoaners. Those Remoaners controlled and steered, demanded and forced through, the policies and actions which he now stands accused of – the failures, corruption and scandals are …. theirs. (I’d be surprised if Boris was even allowed to choose what he had for breakfast, let alone the major policy scandals he’s supposedly guilty of).

    So? Those Cabinet Ministers, all of whom are now lining up for the top job, after hysterically over-acting their ‘disgust’ (in reality ‘guilt’ and panicked search for a convenient patsy and scape-goat) in walking out because … of policies and actions they themselves wanted, demanded and forced through. Those most vocally and histrionically attacking him are ...those most guilty of the very things they accuse him of.

    We’ll just gloss over the fact that we are now guaranteed a die-hard remoaner, and a fully paid-up member of the WEF as a Prime Minister (we’re about to get our own little Schwab approved ‘Biden’ imposed on us) – this wont end well .

    My own opinion? I believe (fervently) that we need a new Guy Fawkes, that every single politician and bureaucrat should be dangling from a lamppost (I even went long on piano-wire, just in case my wish comes true). But then, my constant belief has always been that “if anyone ‘wants’ to be a politician, they should be automatically barred from ever being allowed to be one – and preferably be shot on sight”.


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