Saturday 20 August 2022

Archie, and his saddened, deluded, frantic Mother

When the best medical advice states that there is nothing more which can be done; best take the path offered, let things be, let that tortured body lie in peace: and if you believe, say a prayer for his soul.


  1. Well - up to a point.

    The advice to turn off Archie's life support came from NHS doctors. And the NHS was paying to keep the life support running. So, the advice may not have been completely disinterested.

    The NHS doctors also opposed transferring Archie to hospice care - which I guess his family would have paid for. Why the NHS opposition?

  2. All the media coverage, faux-outrage and sponsored legal challenges, apart from wasting vast amounts of public funds in a futile pursuit, have also served to distract attention from the root-cause of this undoubtedly sad loss.
    To know the full details of how this unfortunate youth came to die may then lead to some revealing insights as to the standards of parenting involved - but maybe they'd rather those questions weren't asked.


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