Thursday 14 July 2022

Yet again, the British get no say in who 'governs' them

There are two issues which leapt off a page sent by a reader. 

One is an unbelievable GOP primary comeback, which was also seen in the UK in Call Me's day via "parachuting" in preselection, hence the appalling range of candidates for PM today as well ..... and another issue was that university professor going mental over Senator Hawley's assertion that men cannot have babies.

Julia can look at the male female issue here, plus I've laid the foundations already across the way at N.O., so instead shall look at the pointlessness of voting at this current time.

Someone on Gab called SP wrote:

The UK prime ministerial race is a good example of how globalists control the Overton Window: The Left plays offense while the controlled opposition pseudo-Right plays defense.

Leftists propose some insane policy, like teaching gender ideology to toddlers. 
Then, the pseudo-Right declares that "the Left has gone too far this time!" and swoops in to save the day by proposing a diluted version of the exact same policy: Teaching gender ideology to kids is fine as long as they are over ten-years-old.

Both sides embrace the core tenants of globalism that were legally enshrined during the Civil Rights Revolution (immigration, multiracialism, equality, LGBT, feminism, etc. 
They only disagree on how forcefully these ideals should be imposed, so the "progress" never ends.

In this case, the "anti-woke" trojan horse is used to trick Right-Wing Britons into embracing their own ethnic displacement and humiliation by foreign minority rule.

I went through the list posted at Guido's and the offered selection has to be the worst of the worst ... it's also the way the Tories have kept the show on the road mid-term for ages - replace the leader and offer goodies just before an election.

Result is, effectively, a PMship race devoid of any input from people of the UK, reinforced by the global communist Starmer as the alternative.  Why should there even be a red blue two horse race in the first place?

How to cut this knot?


  1. You cut the knot by stopping voting for these clowns and removing them from the reigns of power. However, the general population is simply to dumb to make that step. The say that if they don't vote for the red clown then the blue one will get in. In reality there is little difference between the clowns and yet people still think their clown is better.

    The general public is simply stupid, too gullible and ready to believe any lying politician wearing their choice of rosette colour. They get lied to time after time and yet still believe them when they make a statement. When questioned it is always I believe he means it this time and are surprised and upset when it is found out to be another lie.

    As we can't stop these dumbos voting until they pass a test then imo we should only allow tax payers to vote and limit politicians terms to a max of three years with all government jobs being outsourced to service providers and managed by the politicians and not a bunch of untouchable government mandarins.

  2. The older ones among us have seen this gender ideology in schools play out many times. Each time it goes further than we would have ever imagined. Anyone remember Clause 28? This was supposed to stop the promotion of homosexuality in schools. The teacher's unions fought this tooth and nail, they said they weren't promoting it but merely educating. Look how far we have gone down that particular drain, drag queen hours, gay porn in school libraries, pronouns, gender reassignment, teaching masturbation to children. The list is getting longer and more nauseating. May God help us.


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