Friday 29 July 2022

"That Advice We Gave You About Obesity? Well..."

Britain is engulfed in a child obesity crisis, with one in four 10- and 11-year-olds officially obese.

Yeah, yeah, we know... 

However, research led by the University of Oxford suggests that slimming attempts among all children are now outpacing rising weight gain levels in their respective age groups.


Writing in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood, the experts said there was a marked increase in weight-loss attempts among children from 2011-12 onwards. This coincided with parents being given feedback on their child’s weight as part of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP), which weighs and measures pupils when they are in reception and year 6.

Hurrah! Something works! Are you happy now, 'experts'..? 

They said they were concerned that the increase in weight-loss attempts “has not been matched by an increase in the provision of weight management services in England, creating a risk of unsupervised and potentially inappropriate weight-control behaviours.


“Meanwhile, the rise in weight-loss attempts among children with a healthy weight raises concerns and suggests greater attention is needed to target weight control messages appropriately.”

Whatever the question of the day is, it seems the answer is always some version of 'gimmie more money/staff', have you noticed? 


  1. " in four 10- and 11-year-olds officially obese."

    I'd love to know where they're hiding. I sometimes have the misfortune to travel by bus at school times when the bus is filled with children about that age. From my observations I'd estimate one in ten or one in twenty are overweight. I wouldn't call any of them obese.

    Mind you, these are secondary school kids so a little older than 10 or 11, so maybe the weight just falls off them as they graduate from primary to secondary. Or maybe, and I throw this out merely as a suggestion, maybe the "experts" are measuring them wrong.

  2. Frank, you just don't 'understand' medical statistics.

    They don't 'measure' (such old hat and open to manipulation by reality and actual facts) they 'calculate'.

    Take smoking. you think they count the patients admitted with actual smoking related illness (laughs hysterically), they have decided, I mean carefully calculated, how many (guaranteed, pinky swear) 'are (or at least will be called) smoking related in any admission (to provide the 'evidence' to support their planned ideological agenda - oops, did I say that out loud?). Why else do you think they had to invent the mythical "second-hand smoking" idiocy? To explain away why almost all the 'smoking related' illness is experienced by ... none/never smokers.

    'Somebody' has found another way they can get rich(er), so a bus full of perfectly normal children is designated (by the equation, wink, wink) obese. So stop questioning your lying eyes, and your betters!


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