Sunday 10 July 2022

Just one question

Would it be possible to start appointing English ministers again at Westminster? Of four generations or more English stock?  If it's not too much to ask?  Just asking for a friend.


  1. John in CheshireJuly 10, 2022 11:45 am

    In my view, James, our country will show signs of returning to what used to be normal, when we are being governed by patriotic white Christian English men.
    The question I keep asking myself though is are there any left?

  2. Great minds ...

    My first thought on seeing the list of scrotes lining up to try to take over (well, after thinking ... hang on a moment, Parliamentary system, all you Ministers are 'protesting' and resigning because the PM did what you agreed and forced him to do/say? Seriously, I mean even a blind man could see the arse-covering and scapegoating in that move) was ... could we, possibly, have an English PM (you know, an actual representative of the vast majority of the people in the country [despite how the Beeb and papers portray Britain as 50% black, 50% gay, and with white women fawning over 'ethnics'] - an actual working class one is a pipe-dream I know) for a change.

    Oh and the scuttlebut (down the pub/in the street) is if we get a 'diversity/affirmative action hire' choice (let alone an 'islamic') there will be a Powell predicted 'reaction'.

  3. There are other United Kingdom choices available. Though recent examples have hardly impresssed. - Blair and Broon . And Kinnock was a near thing.
    How about a non lawyer non banker.


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