Saturday 18 June 2022

Beef shortage eh?

It's already in our local shop.  Question is when it will come to the supermarts.

Redeemed Patriot:

Reported? Usual MO is to force sign NDAs. Sheer extortion. We see this paradigm over and over--first in the UK and now all over the west. Mass casualty animal event/"health crisis" gives "emergency" powers to fringe agencies, who then use those powers to circumvent all due process. People at existential gunpoint offer little resistance. "Plata o plomo" ("silver or lead") is the drug cartel version

BTW: The most recent figures from the Iowa Cattle Auction Summary (where cattle and cattle futures are traded), show that the average beef cow costs between $100 and $160 per hundredweight (100lbs), depending on the age and weight of the cattle.

There is NO frickin' way you let an investment like that die of "heat stress," "dehydration," etc. 

Someone had commented:

It could be the result of bloating or compaction from too much fine grained feed. Although with the numbers of dead ones I don't think I'd bet on that yet.

Burnt down warehouses en masse, suddenly dead cows in the field?  As the usurper himself says: 'C'mon man!'


  1. Reader Bob writes:

    "Spent the day at Scorton Steam Fair Lancaster. As usual at these events there were numerous food wagons doing burgers and beef sandwiches etc. When asked for a beef sandwich, very single stand we visited said the same thing, no beef today! Mmmm.....curious methinks."


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