Tuesday 31 May 2022

The Gender Garbage which is haunting many lives

 I would like to discuss with you today a thorny issues. Thorny because, to at least this slightly perplexed old Englishman, it is an arranged and nonsensical argument, proposed and supported by those left-wing individuals who are trying, and in many cases succeeding, to alter the very balance of civilised life in these worrying times.

I talk of course of the Gender argument, and of those attempts to push a drug-sought change to many children, who, as they approach puberty, are given very little help regarding their worries, suppositions and true concerns regarding the progression of their bodies in a sexual manner. 

The Left, which is not normally as united as in this, are pushing for a universal adoption of the belief that a person can either change their gender, or adopt another by just stating so, and expecting everybody else to accept that this is their new ‘Status Quo’. They then extend this to announce that a woman can have a penis, and of course the accompanying genitalia, because a ‘Man’ has suddenly commenced believing that he is a ‘woman’; or is cis-genderl, or any other combination of the absurd.

We see the fruits of this idiocy with the so-called 'Trans' woman who used to call herself a man, because, folks, that was what he (she) is and how he was born. A strapping six-foot odd man with broad shoulders, a muscular body and trained to a peak, suddenly states that he is now 'her', and starts swimming, and of course winning, in female races. The reality is pictured in him (her) standing on the podium, dwarfing the five-foot four females whom he (she) defeated.

There are only two sexes, male and female, man and woman: Gender is the range of characteristics pertaining to femininity and masculinity and differentiating between them. As we have developed over the tens of millenia, evolution has determined that men are more muscular, broad-shouldered and athletic, sufficient to the age-old task of the Hunter, the provider and the defender, the giver of life: whilst women are slighter, more rounded in physiology, and their secondary sexual signalling, such as rounded breasts and a curvy figure, states that they are ready to make the children which is the true course of that same evolution, in receiving and nurturing that life.

Viewer will note that I make no mention of the abberation which is homosexuality. Despite the massed political ‘bent’ lobby which has long sought for, and proclaimed  ‘acceptance’; to me they are all perversions of the one true act, which can be only for the procreation of children.

Politicians should be wary of pandering to any of the cabals which preach the existence of the numbers of so-call ‘genders’ reaching towards one hundred. More so should they control, absolutely, the practices and indeed the very existence of clinics and the ‘medical practitioners within, which pushes experimental drugs, hormone treatments etc. into prepubescent children, who have no idea of the Frankenstein nature of the treatments so cavalierly employed upon their trusting bodies.

1 comment:

  1. Can I take it from your comment that non-fertile people shouldn't have sex?


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