Friday 22 April 2022

The right to be free of your impositions

It's clearly time to reaffirm something I've been thinking much on ... to reaffirm the society and its values which we want, not what the psychos want. 

Half as a joke, I once wrote "extremely moderate" in response to what my values were, as if anything I want means much but it does if it's also what others want and when there is a strong underpinning across society in times of trouble for those values.

And that's bourgeois values ... vilified values and my goodness, they're trying everything to break them down, to nauseate us.  As a young man of ignorance, which the young are ... knowing so much out of books, knowing nothing yet of life, knowing nothing yet of adult, pure, even agape love [see Adam's quotee's comment], the temptation is always to shock fuddy-duddies out of their 'complacency' because so many wimmin and so many of the young cannot stand anyone being happy with things already built, just enjoying them for what they are. 

For the young, the imperative is to break down in daring new ways [you think I was never young?] and for those wimmin ... it's always onwards and upwards, never being satisfied ... and that's wearing.  

Yes, I say to these people ... you can do both of those new, exciting things in new projects ... innovative, daring, fast, beautiful ... it need not be in the least Jacques Tati stultifyingly conventional ... but even were that cloth-eared existence, surrounded by material tat, something those people wanted, what bleedin' business is it of someone else to come along and do dirt on it?

To such intolerant people who simply cannot let people enjoy the life they've built for themselves, this was written some time back and is still true to the core:

Or to come back to Candace once more:

These sick, sadistic people include the clown who wrecked the opening of the Scottish Commonwealth Games, who wrecked the London Olympic Games ceremonies, who ruined Doctor Who, James Bond, all current 'entertainment' with their vile provocations and more seriously ... what's being done to five year olds in schools by mentally ill 'people' who should not even be within half a mile of schoolyards, let alone employed or invited in full drag.

I've said before that I once went around with a 'gay scene' in my 20s [no, I'm hetero] and I can assure you, it was in no way as garishly vile as this is now ... it was, dare I say it ... discreet ... it recognised that people not only had a right to think, speak, worship as they want as long as it did not harm others but that people had the right to be free of someone else's excesses.

And that last part needs repeating ... the right to be FREE FROM someone else's excesses.  

Also not hijacking even the colour spectrum to make purple mean something sick and twisted, red to mean this, blue to mean that.

That's what was meant by 'extremely moderate' ... to use strong methods to free ourselves of someone else's sick, godless impositions many of us want no part of.  Just like millions of Striders patrolling the boundaries of the Shire, we quietly adopt a warrior stance against sicko things we want no truck with.  

And in that is a haven where people can feel safe from violence ... but it takes extreme measures on our part to achieve and maintain it ... you think Adam is some shrinking violet in this matter?

Once we complacently 'tolerate' vileness, as distinct from the bold and innovative, an entirely different thing ... that's the thin edge.

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