Tuesday 8 March 2022

The constant necessity to be on one's guard

This is illustrated in a study reported on the N.O. second page, concerning a 'covid' so-called study.

Scientists looked at MRI scans from people who have been infected with Covid. Revealed tissue damage and shrinking in regions of the brain linked to smell. Examined the brains of 785 participants aged 51-81 who had received scans.

Reader contributor DAD’s comment: "No mention if the people were vaccinated."

Precisely.  Whcih renders the 'study' worthless before it even starts, let alone the tiny sample size they needed to at least run a 'study'. Will that stop the entire woke MSM apparatus latching onto it and trumpeting it around the world?

It will not stop it, it was designed for that purpose - syndication to the normies, the karens, those who still use the MSM as their reality source.

But there's a second danger, good reader, and that's the notion of insulting writing.  I mean my writing, allow me to explain.  In this war for hearts and minds waged by GloboCabal against the dissidents [see Freedom Convoy], we get frustrated and annoyed by such obvious ploys as that 'study' which completely ignores the whole point of the convoys and the Pfizer documents.

Therefore, we explode, rant apoplectically, and it's a fair question to ask whom would you rather believe - a calm, erudite, respectable, Sientifik study with seemingly eminent doctors behind it ... or a raving conspiracy theorist who has form ... and who is insulting you from his post?

Small example - the Arizona Senate voted 24-3 to censure Wendy Rogers, the dissident MAGA Senator and so, the Senate's spokes-karen told the assembled press that it was all because of Rogers's hurty words - she'd called them all [dab the eyes, sniffle sniffle] 'communists'.

LOL. Question is why did Wendy say that?  

It was because they'd failed to act on the mountain of evidence of voter fraud [posts passim, mainly Steve's at N.O.].  I did smile, dear oh dear, Wendy, just like MTG, just like Lauren Boebert, just like Katy Hopkins, just like Laura Loomer, just like Emerald Robinson ... these ladies are not noted for their hanging back once something is so bleedin' obvious that it at least requires independent investigation.

May I close with a quote:
We believe a scientist because he can substantiate his remarks, not because he is eloquent and forcible in his enunciation.  Infact, we distrust him when he seems to be influencing us by his manner.

- I.A. Richards, Science and Poetry, 1926
The cabal are nothing if not good scholars, they note that and thus the IPCC and others all present their findings in the most respectable journals, written in the most conventional and believable way, reinforced by Nobel prizes etc.  Except, as we've seen of late, they're lying through their keyboards. Who funds them?

1 comment:

  1. Another factor they do not mention is that the sense of smell diminishes with age anyway. I know because I am 84 and and can no longer smell finer fragrances as I used to.


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