Tuesday 1 March 2022

A tale of three mates

Take three people in three regions of the world, bound by other friends and years of knocking about together and in general, we're in agreement on the types of people we like.  My Russian mate is a male of a certain era, with a certain strength of character, so is my South African mate, so am I.

We're not in disagreement on many things, we're all to an extent cavalier and maverick but we do have our hobbyhorses and these tend to dominate our thinking.  None of that matters as long as we don't constantly push these angles in private ad nauseam [not counting the blog here, which is for this purpose].

So far, all good and life proceeds as it's wont to do.

Along comes an issue though, inserted from outside and we find ourselves taking sides on it.  So far I'm speaking nebulously but here's a case which defines how we can fall onto opposite sides of the fence if we're not careful.  My Russian mate sends footage and no reason to doubt that it is the town he speaks of, in the town centre.

This was the explanation from him about it:

They started bombing Kharkov ( 1000 000 + the biggest Russian speaking and ethnic Russians populated city in Ukraine) with cassete bomb. They just  bombed its central square ( Freedom Square, by the way ) just for the heck of it.  Fascists. Thoroughbred. 

He's referring to Russian fascists on innocent Ukrainians.  All right, I looked at comments as ususual and this one came up:

#  Azov is sitting there, he was warned! All major cities in the ring

#  It flew in from the northwest, where the Azov people are now retreating. in deceleration, you can see from the silhouette of the rocket that this is point U, rashists don’t shoot like that.

#  They hit early, at 10 o’clock a gathering of Nazis was planned near the tent, the tent is their agitation and recruitment point, in the building itself is the headquarters of the territorial defense.

#  You can see from the southwest, look at the map, and you know where the launch came from, from the outskirts of the Dnipropetrovsk region two Ukrainian point-y missiles, one of our armor managed to shoot down, there will be no thanks from the inhabitants of Kharkov.

#  What are your guesses? just on a freeze frame it looks like a U point

#  Y has wider options. It's more like MLRS "Smerch".

Whoa!  Westerners, pause for a moment and look at this:


Soviet 80s weaponry but still used.  By whom?  By the Russians?  Vot:

It was also used by Russia-backed militants to deliver explosive and cluster munitions to Ukrainian military positions and likewise by the Ukrainian Army.

You see the difficulty for us as westerners?  And that was translating Russian language comments as well.  Now, what's this Azov they speak of?


We've already looked at Right Sektor and Svoboda groups, the head of the former appointed in 2015 as adviser to Ukraine Govt on tactics. We know they were missile attacking Donbass Russian positions continually, under the advice of the CIA and NATO as well.  Villagers we had in footage on the former blog were speaking of Americans speaking that they saw.

Conclusion?  No conclusion from me, apart from knowing about the CIA and others - we've been onto them for a decade and a half now.  It's quite clear though in my Russian mate's eyes, who knows not of the things we've uncovered in the west.

Now let's go to my South African mate and he opens with this:

Much like what I have been saying: Putin (a) doesn't care a toss; and (b) is out to prove that the Western nations are chicken.


Here's what I saw:

The rules of the ‘rules-based order’ were simple. We make the rules, you follow them. We reserve the right to change the rules whenever we want to suit our purpose.

It was the geopolitical equivalent of Sam Francis’ idea of ‘anarcho-tyranny,’ which boils down to, “rules for thee, but not for me.”

We’ve heard the Russian diplomats complain about this for years. Why have these rules if they are not ever enforced?

As I point out all the time when talking about leftist ideologues purity spiraling towards self-destruction, we have these rules because only others’ hypocrisy counts. Sub-humans are not allowed to talk or even be a part of the conversation.

And in the world of diplomacy as practiced by the collective West, the Russians are definitely sub-human, just like the unvaxxed and now anyone to the immediate right of Karl Marx and isn’t a furry.

Precisely.  Is that the same spirit in which my South African mate sent it do you feel?  You can see how our own angles keep coming through, whether mine or the commenters under that Russian video.  Everyone will interpret according to his/her angle.

Paul Joseph Watson said, in his vid clip on Gab, that he trusts no one - not the cabal, not Russian govt, none of em.  He judges by what he sees coming out. 

Noble, but what would he conclude about Kharkov?  Now I'm not saying that either of my two mates are wrong, I am saying that the potential for division among us needs to be guarded against. Long term friendships, in my eyes, are more important.

Until someone does something which cannot be accepted, such as launching a missile at the other.  Let's just see what unfolds.

As for our angle which is heat-seeking missile straight at the NWO global cabal, no cessation of hostilities there.  In fact today is US convoy day in DC.  Gird up, chaps and chapesses.


  1. My rule of thumb when it comes to what to believe is that if it comes from the BBBC or other msm is to doubt it. Then do my own digging, look up old articles, see what foreign sources say. After all that I may have a better handle on the truth of something than my mates. Friends are precious commodities, I wouldn't want to lose any over something silly like Putin evil or Putin good. I'd sooner argue about the quality of the beer in my local. One day, long after all the dust has settled some facts may seep out but by then the next episode of Corrie will capture the public's attention. I will still have ideas and thoughts out of kilter but I won't be drinking alone.

    1. Let's hope it is just dust, and not fallout!


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