Wednesday 9 March 2022

A message for the kumbaya karen crowd

As the RINOs join the usurping DemRats to pay the Ukraine billions in aid and as 'we the clowns' light their candles and sing kumbaya and stand for the Ukraine, here is their Ukraine they're standing for:

Andrew Torba:
Kvartal 95 was a production studio created by Zelensky that aired a show about an every day citizen who became President. When Zelensky was elected in real life everyone in the production studio took top positions in his admin.

So an entertainment production studio, which had parallel systems of organization and leadership, ended up becoming the government of Ukraine.

There's an important lesson here for American (and other) dissidents. Yes, I know the American Regime along with Soros had its hand in elevating Zelensky, but that is beside the point.

A true dissident movement is a government lying in wait for the existing regime to collapse, at which point it will fill the power vacuum. This is why building parallel power structures is so important. The current Regime will fall and we must be ready to fill that void when it does.
Parallel economy, yes.  As this country is now doing:

Why on earth would Russia wish to disconnect from the western fiat banking cabal and its Great Reset, its Build Back Better?  After all, it's so morally ethical, is it not?  Never lies:

But it's so responsible to take the deathjab to protect you, isn't it?  Mask the kids all day breathing their own snot - that's the only way.  After all, here's the proof of your narrative below, no?

‘If you get the Pfizer vax, you’re more likely to get COVID’: Industry analyst flags FDA study

WHO Runs Own Database Of 2+ Million Adverse Effects For Covid Jabs And I Found Something peculiar there..

Dr Tenpenny Pfizer Whistleblower Claims To Have Documentation Of 200,000 Dead In Less Than A Week

The Vaccinated Are Getting Sick at High Rates as Scientists Are Clueless As to Why

Oxford University study finds fully vaccinated Healthcare workers carry 251 times viral load compared to the unvaccinated proving the Covid-19 jabs make you worse

Dr Robert W. Malone on Pfizer Documents “A huge list of adverse events of interest.”

But we never knew, you cry, why did we not know this?

Why not indeed?  

Do you know about, er, the Freedom Convoys, one right at this moment several miles long around DC and others as well in each country?  

No?  Why not?

Now why would all these truckers be doing this around the world?  What could possibly be wrong?  Was ist den los?  Just to pass the time being terrorists?  Being irresponsible?  Having a joke on that much maligned poor usurper of the presidency Biden?  Come on, guys.

I mean, he's got things running just fine, has he not, he and Heels Up:

Meanwhile, Biden has secured agreement to pump war supplies into the Zelenskyy Beppo Clown and his comedy crew in order to keep the biolabs producing anthrax, right? Keep the kiddies being trafficked and raped - that's what you kumbaya-ists are all for, right?  Keeping society paedo, tranny and weird?

Do you even know what you're doing in your intellectualism?  The usurper of the presidency has the right to declare war for the USA, right?

Never mind about facts, eh?  Anything your govt tells you through your media - just lap it up, eh?  And feel satisfied that as one of those with increasing medical issues over the next two years [ADE etc.] because of the deathjab:

... at least you are keeping us out of restaurants and shops, yes?  Out of jobs.  What a victory for you.  What love for your fellow citizens.  You say we should be ashamed?

Er ... who was that should be ashamed again?

The Fed poised to pull the plug in the USA next week - good eh?  What's that?  You've never heard of that?  Conspiracy theory, yes?  This week it is, yes.

As if on cue:

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea what is actually going on but …

    Question: Why exactly would ‘they’ (just happen, purely coincidentally I’m sure) put ‘all’ these “biolabs” in marxist controlled areas of the globe (yes, even those in Ukraine are in areas either directly controlled or majority population Russian)?

    We’re supposed to assume the ‘good Russians’ knew nothing about it? Weren’t involved up to their lying, corrupt, gangster, murderous, genocidal, anti-western ears? Yeh, right!

    Point: We’ve known forever that ‘our’ corrupt, lying politicians are closet (or open) ‘globalists’ (the modern name for international socialists i.e. communists), yet we’re being asked to assume that they aren’t just not in bed with the Chinese and Russian communists, but actively fighting them (or the Russians are fighting them)? Pull the other one.

    I suspect what we are seeing is not some war against globalism/communism, but a war within globalism/communism – another mensheviks vs. bolsheviks episode. (Russia has always been a ‘classical’ fascist state – government/corporation partnership … just not always their own home-grown corporations [from its inception it has been supported, supplied and funded by western corporations and governments], China has become one. The West isn’t fighting ‘an enemy’ it’s a boardroom scuffle to decide who’ll be the next CEO).

    Hint: A safe assumption is that they’re all as bad as each other yet we’re inundated with ‘western media is propaganda’ memes (which it is) but forget ‘on just whose side’ that media is. That they’re lying, or at best showing bias and manipulated fact but … why assume they are doing so in a pro-western manner (it’d be a first if they were)? Read them all accordingly.


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