Thursday 24 February 2022

We can't see Russia and the Ukraine in isolation

By definition, in presenting the snippets below, on the grounds that it presents diametrically opposed views in places, quite divergent angles, there is going to be guffawing and rejection of some of it by certain readers, nonplussed silence by others.

Update Thurs 18:06:

Update Thurs 20:40:

Anyone fancy some Chicken Kiev?

The golden rule, as Churchill pointed out, is that what we have here is a riddle wrapped in an enigma.  All very well for someone to say to me, 'Shirley you know what this invasion is about ...'

Stop right there. Invasion?  Incursion?  Invitation to protect the two republics against Ukrainian aggression, meaning NATO/CIA?  

See, it entirely depends on where you're coming from on this, what your own agenda is.  I have three Russian mates on the ground there - one is straight Putin and Russia against US interference in the region which points out that the massacre in the trades union building on Maidan was a pogrom by the Ukraine; then I have one of the Russian educated class who happens to be from Donbass and is pro-Ukraine and good ole US helping out; then there is another more as I am who sees the whole Biden money trail and interference in US politics, using the Ukraine for their own purposes.

So to ask me, 'Surely I see ...' ... that, I'm afraid, is an unanswerable question. Plus, this is tied in to the whole cabal-engineered global agenda, as pointed out in the Svali quote further down and with virtually all alt-pundits in 2022. 

Point is here - all have elements of truth to them, on multiple levels. There's no zero sum here - it's not a situation of, 'Well if you're not pro-Ukraine, you must be pro-Putin.'   It does not work that way.  All sides in this four-way thing have questions to answer.

And never forget the distraction from the main game, the US internal game, coming up to the mid-terms and Durham.  

Here are some gathered things from some days ago at that other blog N.O. [some of the attribution might mystify some readers]:

Putin stressed that, rather than seeking to recolonize countries previously under Moscow’s control, his government has, in fact, “recognized all the new geopolitical realities” in a quest for cooperation with independent states which have emerged since the fall of the USSR. “Even in very acute situations … we have always acted very carefully,” he said, referring to Russia’s treatment of issues of state sovereignty, “…proceeding from the interests of all the states involved … and have always tried to achieve mutually acceptable solutions.”

Leave the west out of it for now and in particular the great satan.  Think more in terms of Moscow v the republics, certain of which are largely Muslim.  As for NATO and the CIA stirring it up in the Ukraine?  Well obviously.  If the Ukrainian oligarchs need propping up, who's going to do it but the shadow govts such as Blackstone, CFR and so on?  Oodles of cash, billions, there it is.

What does Russia need most?  To see off the American threat, to also solidify the alliances to reestablish its buffers.  But people keep forgetting Svali from 2000 and what she was being taught by Them.  I'll dig it out again but just to summarise - Moscow has a fractious relationship with each internal republic, each with its own Achilles heel and I saw some of these at a distance while working at the distant level I was.

Donbass?  Well look at the natural resources there - pretty obvious what it's about and why the Ukraine oligarchs are saying to hell with two independent states.

Nice analysis via PD

Also look again at Two-day 19 and Dearieme's response [at N.O.]. Also Two-day 13 via Rossa's mother:

Did you know that Xi, Putin and Trump met when the latter was 45... this is the beginning of that thing ... been in the works for a long time. Putin has referred to The Plan and now he says this:

“Let me make this clear: this recognition should NOT, repeat, NOT, be seen in isolation.  It is just ONE PHASE in a PROCESS which began at least a year ago, or more, and there is much more to come.

Next, that must be repeated again, this is NOT about the LDNR, the Donbass or even the Ukraine, this is about a new security architecture on Europe and, therefore, on our entire planet.”

[I believe that a combination of all of these, no cherry picking, contains the truth of the matter, not forgetting Svali below.]

All right, here's the Svali thing
Interview with former Illuminati member and mind control victim known as Svali, with interviewer HJ Springer, Chief Editor 2000:

Russia was never really a threat to us. Marxism was funded by the Illuminati, and espoused as a counterbalance to capitalism. The Illluminati believe strongly in balancing opposing forces, in the pull between opposites. 
They see history as a complex chess game, and they will fund one side, then another, while ultimately out of the chaos and division, they are laughing because they are ultimately beyond political parties. A top western financier would secretly meet with an Eastern or Russian "adversary" during those years, and have a good laugh at how the "sheep" were being deluded. I am sharing here what I was taught, and also observed.

When DELPHI met with ORACLE in Europe, (these are the head training groups for the Northern Hemisphere and European continents) the Russian, German, French, British, Canadian, and US trainers all worked together. In fact, this is one reason why plurality of linguality is valued in the Illuminati. I had to learn six languages as a child, and learn to converse with people from around the world. They are truly an international group, and the group's agenda supercedes any nationalistic feelings. There is also a lot of trading back and forth of members in these groups. A Russian trainer might come to the US for a while, complete a job, then go back, or vice-versa.

Q: China is starting to rattle its sabers and arm itself with nuclear weapons which are pointing at U.S. cities. Is all this occurring according to Illuminati agenda or is there still a fairly large 'uncertainty, random or x-factor' involved that is beyond the Illuminati's control?

A: I have been out for five years, so my information is "old news". But the military buildup of China is part of their plan. There are members of the group who are Asian, and very opportunistic. The Oriental Mafia groups are very much linked to Illuminati activity. The random factor in all of this is how the average citizen reacts. It can't be predicted, although Illuminati leadership will often invent different scenarios, and try to decide how they will act if the ordinary citizens react in an unexpected manner.
In short, they run giant experiments and note what happens.  Where have we seen that before?  Oh ... now.

But seriously, chaps and chapesses, think of this in ancient terms, in terms of the mystery religion at Masonic level. To understand lack of nation, look at the whole UN thrust, look at Buchan's words spoken by the little spy in The Thirty-Nine Steps about nations, soldiers inventing some flag and all that.  

Look at Peter Sutherland, born in Ireland but look at his CV. Look at Jack Straw, the TLC Starmer, communist Momentum's Islington HQ.  

Go back to the ancient, when Israel split into the northern nation and Judah.  What did the northern do? Intermarried with the Assyrians and Babylonians after that.  Fast forward and look at all the major troublemakers, the paedos etc. - Moses Mordecai Levi through to Benjamin, Alinsky, Marcuse, those controlling Hollywood.  

When you talk Canaan today, whom does it conjure up?  Satan, does it not?  Did Jesus spring from Dan?  Of course not, He's the lion of Judah. Which language did He speak?  That's an interesting one is it not?  See, we have to feed all these into our minds to begin to see the picture, fragmented at that.

We're part of a very ancient war.  On one side, those who love humankind and look to its wellbeing.  On the other - those who would destroy humans after reducing them to abject misery and unholy practices.  Who was it said love thy neighbour?

In reading all the above, beware of a priori cherry picking which pre-decides us who are the goodies who the baddies.

Further, from Feb 24th

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