Friday 4 February 2022


Of course, in the crazy world of the 'Guardian', this is bad!
The government’s New Plan for Immigration aims to restrict family reunion rights for refugees who travelled through a safe third country before reaching the UK. This applies to the thousands who travelled to the UK in small boats.

Many of them have, in fact, travelled through multiple safe countries. Can the 'Guardian' find one that deserves to be here this time?

Reader, they cannot: 

One Syrian asylum seeker, who fled war, imprisonment and torture in his homeland before travelling through several countries and reaching the UK, said he was “horrified” by the government plans.
“We did not leave our country in search of happiness,” he told the Guardian. “I am talking here as the head of a family deserted. Rather, we went out to save our family from a war that does not know the young or the old and does not differentiate between the strong or the weak, in which no one can survive.”
“We walked in the most dangerous country, crossed the desert and crossed the English Channel in a rubber boat, knowing we may die in the sea. Has any official asked themselves what motivated us to risk ourselves … I was ready to die in order to save my family. What Priti Patel is thinking now is to eliminate our families by depriving us of family reunion.”

No, she's seeking to implement the will of the British people who have voted in a party that promised a crackdown on this sort of 'asylum shopping'.  


  1. Trouble is, it's all talk. Constant waffling about what they might do sometime in the future, while daily boats full of scroungers carrying nothing but their mobile phones and sense of entitlement, keep turning up on our shores

  2. This terrible.
    These people should be allowed to go and be with their families.
    They just made a mistake and they should now be allowed to show remorse for abandoning their families in the first place.
    Maybe even pay for their travel costs.


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