Saturday 29 January 2022

This sums up a large demographic in the west

Item 1

Item 2

Item 3

View of politics by a young Scottish Christian


  1. The foundation of good strong inter-racial relations is vested in the strength of personal trust, friendship and fellowship between individuals, and that has taken a severe pounding of late. First of all, there was the unleashing of bile and hatred from the mainly white upper and middle class against the white working class, because a black man abroad was killed by a white policeman abroad, but the "activists" didn't care about that, they still used it as ammunition against their most hated demographic. And the Universities and colleges carry a lot of blame for this. Looked on as their students went on a spree to denounce the "gammons" and proclaim the religion of BLM. But this didn't happen in isolation, it happened during the epidemic when many working people were estranged from each other's company by home working, so those restorative communal conversations around the kettle were not happening. Although retired from my old office I still get info from the bush telegraph there. One mixed race romance has crashed and burned, and in other previously solid friendships, a sort of cold civility has descended to replace the earlier trust and confidence of dear pals who once knew they would do anything for eachother.

    1. "...the strength of personal trust,..."

      That's a good point - without this, there can be no understanding and no friendship. The Muslic concept of 'taquiya' renders it incompatible with western values for just this reason.


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