Sunday 9 January 2022

The making of pariahs to stop the message getting out

Feel free to ignore this, just skip over it.  The key ideas in this post include:

#  Bundling, that propaganda technique whereby one lists three or four desirable goals, such as 'equality, diversity and fairness to trannies in women's sport', bundled in as a 'take it or leave it' package.  The Chinese are masters at it, DJT also uses it - buy American, booming economy, plus operation warp speed.  It's one reason I'm against parties, esp. the Uniparty.

#  The planners among the enemy being those who would undermine the foundations of a society by white-anting bit by bit, as the Germans did in Norway, resulting in people like Quisling, by presenting themselves as largely good, sane, rational leaders but it involves people accepting loss of sovereignty - what do you want, food on the table or this abstract sovereignty nonsense, they demand.

#  Jingoism, whereby a state organ which has shown, by its actions, that it is entirely untrustworthy, e.g. the MSM, which has acted against the people for so long, suddenly reverts to an old winner, e.g. Brexit over Remoanerism and puts up a ra-ra-ra article, come on, chaps, at which we suspend disbelief and want so much to see signs of success that we swallow whatever it is, hook line and sinker.

#  Bias confirmation, that imperative in our minds demanding 'good news for once', any good news at all.

#  Plausible deniability as the opposite aspect of the previous, where the enemy always has alternative, seemingly rational explanations for actions and events, where they rely heavily on people psychologically being unable to handle something, e.g. the beloved leaders just would never do that to us.

#  Splitting friends and allies by finding points of fissure to exploit among allies or at least reconciled rivals, used by Kissinger in Rwanda and Vietnam, by the UN in Darfur, by the powers running Ireland which split along Catholic v Protestant lines in order to get some open slather murder going ... and consequent permanent scarring, which never brings the two sides on any issue back together again, which leads to ...

#  Isolationism, whereby no one can get along with anyone any more - too many lines of fissure by means of cranking up inconsequential and bizarre ideas such as same sex public loos, pronoun-ism and all that guff ... such that each person withdraws into a world fed by reality coming through the ether and down the wire.

#  Penultimately for now - throwing up the hands and ignoring it all, just finding a way to get around the new, dystopic overregulation, instead of throwing off the oppressive yolk.  Perfect examples are the nasty nazi in the Northern Territory downunder, the jumped up tin god, drunk on his own sudden power through vaxxing, plus Macron right now 'Jew-ising' the unvaxxed, plus Austria doing similar, Germany, naturally, not far behind.

This last one is the subject of a Mail article sent by Rossa's mother:

... which is couched in such a way that the very rag pushing the false vaxx and other narratives, including Remoanerism, suddenly 'finds' some 'good news' which is not good news at all in the overall scheme of things.  We should never even be in that position in the first place, having to even need a 'Brexit'.  This comes down to a whole line of traitors, from Heath to Blair to all the myrmidons pushing it, esp. in the media.

#  And lastly - paria-hism - the turning of people who are awake to things early, and with good memories, into pariahs, swivel-eyed loons in most people's minds and worse ... into malcontents, definitely not fun people, best avoided.  People do not want a steady diet of doom and gloom, they want good news, by hook or by crook.

Is our job then to dash hopes, in line with the sign over the gates of hell?  Or is it to suggest that if there is any hope at all, then it is the oppressors inevitably making errors and falling out?

I have a friend downunder who has a bizarre attitude to the whole vaxx, passport, mask thing - she just ignores it all, but as a death-jabbee, therefore she can travel anywhere unhindered, lead the life of riley as before ... quite oblivious to the refuseniks at ground level being quite unable to. Do not forget, ever, the way Australia is treating Novax Djokovic.  Do I end the friendship?  Or do I say nothing because of the decades we've been close friends?  So far, I'm doing the latter.

Human minds simply will not accept that certain things are fundamentally wrong, wrong, wrong ... they opt instead for 'getting around' impositions inflicted by the small dot of oppressors doing whatever their whim decides would be a good laugh.  We adapt.

Part of pariah-ism is to auto-blame the refusenik for not being a fun person, that he needs to 'lighten up a bit'.  The other day, a friend tried to convince me that there still were really good articles in the BBC online rag.

Sigh.  How does one deal with that?  Look, any article at all - any, all of them, every single one - contains drops of poison slipped in, often just as a consequence of the mindset of the writer, which mindset got them the position in the first place.  They're not even thinking rationally, they're thinking kool aid. Even about flowers and furry animals.

Thus they do a feelgood piece on, say, fishermen 'defying Brexit' ... balance of payments, prosperity despite etc. ... when the very first thing I saw was the 'why in the first place are we even in that position' aspect.

Why am I like this?  Partly because I lived in Russia and everyday saw people living with the dislocated heritage of crazed, bureaucratic oppression.  Plus this very same c.b.o. killed off my boat project, along with health.  Health may have been a major factor, no denying it, plus age ... but the true killers were the changed regulations on haulage, insurance, launching, harbour regs ... these regs were not there four years ago. Insurance rules simply precluded it going ahead.  But 'regulations' is a whole other post some other time.  

I still feel just as friendly towards my friends, nothing lost, my frustration is not with this human or that ... but with the system of course, inc. the bloody evil MSM.  And the Wail is just as bad as the rest.  So why go near that poison?  Or the BBC?

Is this in any way critical of the messenger, in this case Rossa's mother?  No way known is it critical - every item she has sent/discussed has been something which needed to be sent/discussed ... look at the length of this post.  IMHO, it's vital to have it on the table to consider.  

Also IMHO, my own reaction, own take, is largely inconsequential ... the main thing is just to get the topic on the table to be discussed.  Our contributors ensure that, thank goodness.


  1. This almost entirely fits the new Project Veritas revelations about Covid-19. I just wonder if the documents they have released details about are too good to be true and they've fallen into a trap of some sort.
    A document that in one fell swoop confirms the lab leak, confirms that the US were funding research in Wuhan by the back door, confirms the scientific community carried on with gain of function research but just changed the definition of gain of function so to be able to carry on, that basically Fauci if he didn't actually lie thanks to semantics, did mislead Congress, that the NIH and NAID knew all this and used Eco Health Alliance to fund the research on their behalf so they can plausibly deny any allegations of direct involvement.
    It just sounds too good to be true. Bias Confirmation?

  2. I do think that people, individuals must be removed for the evil to be controlled to a certain extent. We live in a taken sinful world, so until Jesus returns, that's how things are going to be. But the depths of depravity can be restricted. The stumbling block of course is twofold; the willingness of a sufficient number of people to recognise from where the evil ones emanate and the willingness of said people to do something about them.
    My solution would be to publicly hang all the MPs, all the Lords, all the senior Civil Servants, all the NHS senior management, all the senior police, all the judiciary including the CPS and all the MSM owners and leading mouthpieces for the propaganda.
    But I can't ever see that happening.


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