Tuesday 23 November 2021

Please consider this, this Tuesday morn

Whilst worldwide protest rallies, unreported by the MSM, build around the world [evidence in various items at many sites, on vlogs, on Gab, at my site across the way], we are approaching the next stage on what I call 'Adam's chart', he believes we're at stage seven currently:

It's probably fair to say that Europe is worse off than us here.  Months ago, reader Ripper provided another chart, showing masses of dots, who are us, they filled the graphic, and then, to one side, one tiny dot, and these were those hellbent on ruling us with a rod of iron and water cannon.

How do they get away with it? They have abused the instruments of control in a land of law and order.  The little gang of crooks gather for themselves the 'sovereignty of parliament' which is nothing of the kind ... the correct term is sovereignty of the people.

The trouble, is, the people are deeply divided, to the point that one lot are quite happy to see the other lot rounded up and sent off to gulags, detention camps and the like, under the guise of 'protecting' the deathjabbed.  

There had to be this divisive issue, didn't there?  Chatham House Cameron tried to make it the gay 'marriage' issue but that had less traction.  Event 201 of October 2019 made it Covid, they implemented it in January to March 2020. The rest you know.

What is more than obvious is that these complicit fools enjoying their jobs and freedom to roam don't give a damn about the entire section of the population the narrative has turned into pariahs [Stage 4 of Adam's chart] because they have bought the simple lie, hook, line and two squirty syringes, that somehow pureblood natural-immunity-trusters are a genuine threat.

When of course, the science says the opposite is the case.  

The evidence is all there if you but look.  Why do you think protests are occurring?  Why do you think they are are refusing, these refuseniks?  Timidity?  Hesitancy?  

Nope, they've seen the science.  The threat, if any, is from the deathjabbed roaming around freely shedding, not the least 'immunity' from getting or passing on covid, getting their 'boosters' every 256 days until they die.  Hospitalised at twice the rate for other illnesses.  Footballers collapsing during matches.  That kind of immunity?

And the purebloods, locked down in their homes, which this lot on the street, in shops, at places of work, don't give a damn about the fate of?  We bide our time.  Massed protests never reported by the MSM.

Remember WW2 and the Vichy French, the collaborators, the actively complicit? The 1938 playbook all over again.  At least we bide our time unless the dot sends its thug plod first and we're hauled off to reeducation camps.

My question to the deathjabbed is this - are you perfectly happy to see us hauled out of our homes to camps? Be careful what you wish for.  You think you're not the next stage after we're gone?  Crocodile eat you last?  Pastor Niemoeller?

1 comment:

  1. You are not in danger from your neighbours, nor I from mine. But you are in danger from my neighbours as am I from yours. ( By memory, I think from Robert Heinlein.)


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