Sunday 21 November 2021

Kent State or Tiananmen, here we go

Kent State, Tiananmen, whatever:

Seven people have been injured after Dutch police fired on anti-lockdown protestors on Friday night, amid rising anger at new Covid restrictions. MailOnline has more.

Police confirmed the injuries in Rotterdam on Friday and said they had fired both “warning shots” and directly at protesters – but did not say if live ammunition or rubber bullets were fired.

The entire playbook has not altered one bit with Them, they have no imagination, they implement it over and over and over.  Irrelevant if no one was injured or someone was injured or someone was killed in terms of  the next escalated step the slavering suits are gleefully observing and implementing.

In terms of that, their handiwork is going swimmingly.  In terms of human tragedy unfolding of course, it matters immensely. Whether a rubber bullet in a person's side or face or whether that person is injured or dead - of course that matters immensely.

All sorts of images come back - for example Met Plod piling out of vans and charging at people in a rally, knocking them to the ground - just who ordered that?  Cressida Dick?  Someone under her? And on whose orders from above?

The people at that protest - any inkling as to what was going to transpire?  Maybe a few did, certainly the govt knew full well. Why are these politicians not dragged out by the mob?  

Answer is they can't be found of course, they're as far away as Blair on 7/7, safe and sound while the pre-slaughter plays out.

Why are people so docile, so willing to be slaughtered?  Why are they like bunnies in the headlights?  Those closest to Thug Plod are going to be shot anyway. Remember Ray Epps urging people to charge the Capitol?  Where was this type of person urging people to charge at Thug Plod?  

I have written here over and over that the entire thing is factored in at rallies - Them will escalate things, they will.  As for the people?  It's crazed anger versus wanting the crocodile to eat them last.  They go along to the square for some form of solidarity and then are fired upon and disperse helter skelter, instead of charging straight at Thug Plod.

I hear the arguments that with no demonstration at all, no point is made, what with deep MSM captcha ... and it's a compelling argument, no dispute about that. But only if people get to hear of it.  

It's so bleedin' obvious the only thing which is going to work and it involves not the pollies themselves per se - they can be replaced anytime as cogs in the wheel, plus there is this little matter of sedition against elected reps and heaven forbid that, even Paul in the bible says something about that.  Nope, I'm looking squarely at the ones who give pollies their instructions - they're not elected.  No sedition nor insurrection involved.  For example, who runs Common Purpose?  Who runs Antifa?

And no, I'm not urging that nor imagining it, nor wishing it ... there are many steps before that of a guerilla nature which do not involve actually bodily harm nor damage.


  1. James, my sentiments too.
    Who recommended Mark Sedwill for a peerage?
    Who selected Oily Robbins for his role in the attempt to destroy Brexit and then gave him a knighthood?
    Who is giving Mr Johnson his orders?
    Who is pulling all the strings of the MPs and senior Civil Servants? Someone must know all the names and have the evidence to prove who they are. Maybe Julian Assange and Wikileaks have them and that's what's keeping him alive?

  2. I've asked the question before on my own blog who controls the left. Because they seem to act as a single organism even when in separate groups. It seems like the old days of CND where there was no direct link to the Russians, but via circuitous routes there was.
    Who exactly are the people that tell the left who is to be the next victim of cancel culture, or who need to be vilified in the media. I suspect if you investigated these organisations, you would be able to trace the beginning of each instruction back to a handful of people. The rest just follow instructions like useful idiots.


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