Tuesday 2 November 2021

File under "snivelling toadies"

Morrison's would do well taking a look at the OoL banner line:


It did make me curious though:

The UK's largest rock salt (halite) mine is at Winsford. It is one of only three places where rock salt is commercially mined in the UK, the others being at Boulby Mine, North Yorkshire and Kilroot near Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland.

Hancock's brother owns the mine?  Whitty?  Ferguson?


  1. Strange the things that turn up in searches.
    "More than a century of mining has left a void under the countryside that features consistent temperature and humidity levels, and is naturally free from the dangers of ultraviolet light, vermin or flooding. It is the size of 700 football pitches and continues to grow as a salt is mined every year. In 1998, DeepStore was established to take advantage of this unique storage space. Treasured paintings, historical records and architectural models are among the items stored in the Winsford location.

    DeepStore has more than 1.8 million square meters of storage space that provides secure storage of items ranging from active records, to treasured paintings. One of the more well-known DeepStore customers is The National Archives, for whom DeepStore manages public records."


  2. Bob H
    I went to the USA in 1969 on an International Air Cadet exchange visit. I can't remember where it was, probably Kansas, but we were taken down a salt mine which was divided into countless caged areas, all full of valuables. It was fascinating.

    1. Pity you couldn't get in and get some to take back as souvenirs.


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