Sunday 3 October 2021

You can never find a BUS when you need one.


The tragic murder of Sarah Everard by a serving, warranted Policeman has seen the birth of reams of newsprint regarding the possibility of more attacks on women under the cover of the reality that the man stopping a woman by virtue of his showing a warrant card gives that man virtually Carte Blanche; if that man is a pervert and a rapist.

By the sinister and devious actions of one policeman, suddenly the whole balance within civic society as regards Law and Order is put at risk. As I previously wrote, the Trust between the public and the Police has long been frayed, almost to breaking point: and now the impact of one murderous clown who carried a Police Warrant Card is becoming akin to the feather falling on to an equally balanced scale which represents the Consent between the Public and the Police.

To a very large extent, the police have brought this upon themselves; for the sheer stupidities of; amongst others, ignoring the pleas of literally hundreds if not thousands of white girls and young women to investigate their sexual abuse, rape and virtual slavery caused by ONE segment of the population: namely Pakistani and Afghani men, most of whom will never see the inside of a court, never mind a jail cell; all because of worries that any stance against a bunch of Muslim rapists would be seen as ‘Racist’. Not forgetting the sheer lunacy of sending drones to spy on walkers in places where ”They shouldn’t be” according to their interpretation of the so-called Covid laws. Or the equal stupidity of charging a young man with rape, only for indisputable proof to emerge from the digital memory of his accuser’s phone and Facebook pages that the female in question was, shall we say, less than trustworthy! The list could go on, but I believe that I have made my point, which is, simply put: Trust is earned, not placed automatically.

The bus? Whilst Police Scotland brought out a measured response to help alleviate the worries of women approached by a single policeman, all the Metropolitan Police had to offer was to advise worried women to “Wave down a passing Bus”!

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