Thursday 2 September 2021

Full panic mode by govt, pod people and karens

Refusenick Corrie on Gab presents:

Common Purpose infested councils are wasting taxpayer money propagandising pavements to get the young to acquiesce. The most disgusting aspect of the wastage is that they're pushing the line that kids don't need their parents' permission - just do as you will.

Notice the age 19 - legally not needing parental approval?  This is now way beyond anything sane, it's total pressure on a generation they reason are mindless compliance machines, brainwashed.  They do fear this pushback from the young because people such as us get to see it and heaven forbid, might even join up with the young in opposing this diabolical roll-out.

1 comment:

  1. If I painted " Had the ..........vaccine, terrible headaches, lack of energy, still not immune from the CCP virus" on the pavement, I'd be prosecuted for criminal damage. The job of a council is to empty the bins, provide street lights and maintain the roads, not post politically motivated, and possibly misleading, statements.


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