Friday 6 August 2021

Bin Wars Looming...

Councillors have warned that people 'will go mad' if the government proceeds with plans to force homes to have seven bins each.

If only they would. Mostly, they'll just grumble and send letters to the local paper... 

It follows the government unveiling plans to standardise waste collection across England, with separate bins for dry recyclables – glass, metal, plastic, paper and card - in addition to bins for garden waste, food waste and non-recyclables.

This is the sort of plan that can only be conceived by people who live in huge, sprawling detatched houses with plenty of room for all these receptacles. Ot who have other people to worry about this sort of thing for them. 

Stockport Labour councillor Roy Driver said that aside from storage, an issue with most bin collections is 'street clutter'.
He continued: 'Blind people struggle to get past, as well as people with mobility problems and women with buggies. If we have more bins this problem will be exacerbated.'

Pshaw! Who cares about people, we've got a planet to save..! But are we doing that badly?

A spokesperson for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) said last month: 'We are going further and faster to recycle more of our waste to protect the environment.’


'Less than 10 per cent of household waste is now going to landfill and the amount of food waste being recycled is up by over 40 per cent since 2015.’

So...what's the issue? 

‘But we must do more, and through our major reforms of kerbside collections we will boost recycling levels and step up our war on plastic pollution – while our proposed weekly food waste collections will maximise recycling and stop the build-up of smelly waste around homes.’

So while these extra vehicles are trundling round the streets pumping out the diesel fumes they claim are ruining our quality of life, and the hotter summers they keep telling us we'll have due to climate change are heating up the stinking food waste bins, do any of these geniuses stop to wonder just what we're saving the planet for..? 


  1. Meanwhile in Swindon where we ready have 7 bins recycling is now only collected every 4 weeks

  2. Yikes! I suppose we should be thankful that's not how they treat food waste in the haight of summer.



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