Monday 28 June 2021

And Next, She'll Warn Us That Water Is Wet...

The head of the schools watchdog in England has denounced a “militant” new brand of activism in school communities, which she warned was leading to confrontation within and outside the school gates and having a potentially limiting effect on education.
You've only just noticed? Where have you been for the last 10 years?
In some cases, she said, children and teachers were being subjected to abuse and even violence for being the wrong religion, race or ethnicity, and she said pupils should not be forced to support their peers’ campaigns for fear of being ostracised if they do not.

Too little, too late. Where were you when a schoolteacher was hounded out of his school for showing an image of a religious figure? 


  1. "In some cases, she said, children and teachers were being subjected abuse and even violence for being the wrong religion, race, or ethnicity..."
    There are no wrong religions, races, or ethnicities, only different religions, races, and ethnicities.
    If a parent initiates the violence or hatred, take their child out of that school. If a child does he same, air that child out of that school. No second chance. The usual suspects are only too quick to jump on the victim bus but, for some reason, authorities are reluctant to act when those usual suspects are shown to be the initiators of the violence and abuse.
    The law is supposed to act without fear or favour. I wonder when the last time that happened?

  2. It hasn't acted that way for years...


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