Monday 26 April 2021

The palpable fear of the quislings

What an extraordinary couple of hours. Distant Relative has been posting quite a few things, plus other readers, I've been finishing one of the most extraordinary Morse episodes, twists and turns like at Westminster, very sad, involving negligence in high places and ordinary people suffering, a reader and I have been deep in conversation, plus I went to Breitbart to just check, expecting nothing and instead, this most certainly had the ring of truth to it:

According to what the Mail describes as a “well-placed source”, Prime Minister Johnson “hates the idea of lockdowns. He kept saying ‘there’s no evidence they even work’ and that ‘it goes against everything I’ve stood for’. But he was outnumbered – and ended up sitting in sullen silence as the others told him he had no choice.”

Downing Street and the Prime Minister himself have denied the “let the bodies pile” remark was ever uttered, but multiple so-called “ear-witnesses” have claimed to have heard it to journalists including ITV’s Robert Peston since the Mail broke the story. The BBC is said to have confirmed it with their sources, too.

Don’t forget that Peston himself is one of the shadow govt’s useful fools.  Osborne was and Gove currently is part of Them themselves, an egregious s*** who is all in for the “Reset”, meaning the takeover.  Gove is so completely the type - little Golum, Himmler.  Johnson is in thrall to the power.

In terms of whether Mr Gove, perhaps angling for the premiership himself, could have something to do with the leak, Ben Harris-Quinney of the Bow Group, Britain’s oldest conservative think tank, told Breitbart London: “Westminster is the spiritual home of skullduggery, and it is perfectly possible aspects of this are being orchestrated, not by ex-staffers or concerned investigators, but by those with an eye on the top job for themselves.”

He added, however, that it is his belief that “if Boris falls his replacement will not be an obvious candidate but a seachange, and if it is a Michael Gove or a Grant Shapps manoeuvrer, [the premiership] will prove even more of a poisoned chalice for them than it has been for Boris and Carrie.”

Do you see the difference in concern there?  Boris knows it’s bollox, Gove couldn’t care less about the effect on people across the land, what used to be Britain. I've no doubt Boris did shout that out but he did not mean he wanted people dead - he was referring to the Gove cabal - go on, let them die then if that's what you want.  

I'm not saying Boris is overly concerned about the people but in that outburst was a classic reaction to the real monsters ... and Gove is one ... and one of his cabal leaked it, as the Beeb for once, plus Mail, plus other sources confirm.

I believe we are seeing one of the biggest errors by the slimy Gove who's insinuated himself in as Them's boy, just as DJT had them surrounding him in the Oval Office.

Now go to Ripper:


Distant Relative:

Pity DR also put up some links to Twitter as I'm not on there now and can't use it until I can see the text or some sort of description but I'm sure it's relevant.

Either way, if we've got this far towards understanding, then Westminster SpAds also know full well and are either keeping official decision makers [signer offers] in the dark ... or else not keeping them in the dark ... hence the overwhelming fear, not over what happens to people but over mass movement of people in the streets upon the political class, with Gove one of the first to get it. 

And no - in no way am I advocating it, I don't need to - people will take it upon themselves no matter what I can do.

In the States, the DC fear is palpable - Harris refusing to go near the border, Biden bunkered down, NG protecting them.

More tomorrow morning.

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