Wednesday 24 March 2021

We're dealing here with actual criminals

... acting outside the rule of law [as distinct from rule by laws] ... with complete impunity:.

Question is, as always, how the hell to stop these people before they stop us stopping them?  Particularly as they have a percentage of the population on the Soma.

Given that Carrie Johncock are, at heart, globalists, plus virtually the entire parliament - globalism meaning capitalism for them, socialism for us - and given this worldwide Great Reset which will brook no resistance, then ho wlong before last weekend's protests become more and blood is spilt?

The Lockdown Sceptic man's latest email:

For me, the most depressing thing about the past 12 months is that it’s destroyed my faith in so many of the people and institutions that I used to have some respect for – Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, the Conservative Party, the judiciary, the police, the BBC, Sky News, the Civil Service, Imperial College, the Lancet, Nature, the Royal Society… the list goes on. I’ve always been alive to the risk that crowds are susceptible to collective hysteria and I’ve witnessed a few manias and moral panics first hand, but I hoped that Britain’s elites, particularly those who bear responsibility for steering the ship of state, would be immune to such madness. 

And it seemed they would be for a few weeks, which made their eventual surrender to a global psychosis that much harder to witness. To see them not only succumb to mass hysteria but consciously whip it up, using sophisticated psychological techniques, has been a shock. (I blame that, in part, for the British public’s willingness to surrender their liberty and hope they will recover their good sense once the propaganda ceases.) I won’t say this has been a deep shock because I’ve always been pretty cynical, but I used to have a slither of confidence in Britain’s elites ...

I stopped at that point.  No doubt he voted for Carrie Johnson while I voted TBP.

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