Tuesday 16 March 2021

Lest you should think this is not globally planned and executed

The situation in the USA

The intimidation of a member of Congress:

The Bradford File [US alt-right pundit]: Joe Biden has been Commander in Chief for less than two months, and the military is now openly targeting GOP members of congress.

Which members of Congress?

For those who only see a few lines of text and a link, the lady is Marjorie Taylor Green:

For those who still don't know, she's a major firebrand, pro-MAGA, she's doing it practically alone in Congress and none of them like her. Maybe a million people do though, inc those who voted her in. She is against Planned Parenthood, she believes there are two sexes who should love one another, she detests Woke - you get the idea.

This is one of her gabs:

I'm going to include the following from Britain to underscore that this is not just a case of "well, that's America, innit":
The situation in South Africa, via our special contributor haiku

Remember, fellow peasants, that this "pandemic" is about a virus.

After all, most of western Europe is still locked down or has curfews or is in some state of “health emergency" not unlike South Africa

In fact, today a year ago, Cyril Ramaphosa proclaimed a "national state of disaster", which granted the South African government excessive power over citizens. And we are now almost 365 days into the 21 days required to "prepare the hospitals".

And force millions more people into deeper desperation.

Police are arresting people for “being outdoors without a valid reason.” Protest is bannedDissent is censored. The propaganda is relentless. Governments are more tyrannical than ever, implementing increasingly absurd restrictions to the most basic aspects of daily life.

Like constantly wearing a mask despite no supporting scientific research.

People have become completely brainwashed, thanks to the media.

This whole theatre production has now moved to “vaccinating" everybody on Earth against a virus that causes mild Flu-like symptoms or no symptoms at all in over 95% of those infected, with over 99% survival rate of those infected, with no real effect on age-adjusted death rates, and a mortality profile of which is more or less identical to the normal mortality profile.

And that's assuming that COVID-19 actually exists, since nobody is able to accurately describe it or separate it from Flu, and the only way to "know" is by using an utterly inaccurate PCR test.

Oh, and lest we forget that the CDC has quietly updated its data to show that the majority of America's "COVID-19 deaths" have little or nothing to do with COVID-19.

You can read the rest, remarkably similar to our own situation, at the end of the "jerm warfare" link.

Which does bring us, ladies and gentlemen, to some obvious questions, the first being they are in full attack mode, are they not, the Great Global Reset Woke Army.  I can't say "reason don't come into it, matey" because as we've become aware, there is very much reason, organisation, planning behind the whole thinking ... Globally.

At my own blog, for a decade and a half, I've been warning of this and oft quoting two people - one called Svali, from the year 2000, and the other Senator William Jenner from 1954 during the McCarthy era.

The former pointed out who they are, how it is organised, what was planned in 2020 or thereabouts.  They're nothing if not sticklers for a plan and thus the susupicion here is that there is Germanic thinking behind it. They had one try in 1914, another in 1939, another as the millennium came around ... and now the one planned.

The only question really remaining is what people will do about all this.


  1. 'President' Xiden seems a little confused these days. But never mind, his puppet-masters are in full control and the Great Reset continues almost unopposed.
    It's 11:59 on the 'Can we still stop this madness' clock. I don't see any knights in shining armour on the horizon (yet). Perhaps when the programmed mass deaths start in a few months some will come forward, but I fear it's already too late.

  2. I am still amazed that people, conditioned to abhor genetically modified food, have been so efficiently reconditioned into wanting an experimental procedure that modifies their own genetics.

  3. The malleability and herdability of humans.


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