Thursday 11 March 2021

Comic Relief - lefty Woke "charity"

Buy a red nose and support the administrators' cushy little number, plus BLM and other similar causes:


  1. I have often wondered just how many 50 pence pieces from elderly pensions contributions actually make it to providing fresh water wells in Africa, or school books for village children in the third world. Very few, it seems, once the ultra leftie do gooders take their cut. Since the first Live Aid concert, the UK must have donated hundreds of millions of Pounds to these good aims and still third rate comedians, singers long past their prime, and so called celebrities seeking publicity, ask for more while, at the same time, slag off the society they appear before. A pox on them all.

    1. Charity is what I give or you give, personally, to someone in need. Charity is NOT handing monies over to some very comfortable fat-cat sitting atop an organisation that send collected monies to fat cats in furrin' countries where we get not to see to whom some small part goes. Neither is is coerced monies taken by fiat from my pocket and yours by a clerk in the Tax office to be 'administered' by a (political) Minister who buys loyalties from manufacturers here and abroad, again quite invisible to you and me. It is all a RORT.

      If it is meant for me or you to 'feel good', it ain't working.


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