Tuesday 9 February 2021

We need to confront the real nature of the insanity we're seeing about us

There's a distinctly bourgeois aspect to those of us on the centre-right, policy wise, through to the centre-left.  Couple that with a certain libertarian or freedom loving thread running through us and that encompasses the majority of our blogs and their readers, those also such as UKIP or TBP leaning people or in the States - Tea Party or Deplorables or MAGA.

Running through all this is the theme of rationalism - there is the rule of law, judges should be impartial, doctors should heal, schools should educate.

And they're not doing that. I see so many social media comments from our sort of people quite bewildered why it's all fallen apart, why black is white and white is black, why nurses, far from tending and healing, are killing off the elderly and susceptible and then dancing Tik Tok in the wards.

It seems wildly bizarre, even bewildering, and the ferreting 'n fisking type rationalists even get as far as nailing communism or socialism [the latter sounds nicer, more cropped lawns, house and garden].  What is almost never said [it's not nice and respectable] is what I'm about to say and the reason few do is because of the pushback, the backlash - mouthing 'conspiracy theories', 'nutter' and so on for even mentioning it.

The point being missed here is that the nutters are not those exposing this stuff, the nutters are those perpetrating it.  It's taken the events of 2020 and 2021 to finally open people's eyes to things some of us have been saying for decades. Some of those things are below and the most mortifying part is who those names include.

The question is not how come we're now being governed by loonies, or who let them out of the loony bin?  That's not the question.  The question is that, given they've been in charge all along, with zero concern for humans and that can be seen in this video clip:

... given all that, why are they now coming out openly, e.g. in the theft of the US election, with fences and the National Guard to protect them, also in the failure of the Blancmange Johnson to deliver Brexit but WA3 instead where the UK still pays the EU for decades - that sort of thing. Psycho Hancock - where did he come from?  Why now?

And I can reply that the seeming nutter Svali in 2000 in a Canadian interview stated that 2020 was the year it was going to be rolled out. They love sticking to a plan, these people.  That much is in black and white and has been posted several times - it's not as if we've not warned people.

To really understand the enemy we're up against, the real nature of these insane criminals, you could start at this link:

... but even that does not cover it.  So try these below from various sources:

The idea is that all these people, e.g. the current US admin, are taking over to ensure that nothing gets in the way of the Great Reset.  This also applies in the UK - you only need explore the antecedents of the Blancmange himself, plus his psycho offsiders to see where this thing is:

All of these paths eventually lead the initiate into a belief system that he is privileged and chosen to carry on the 'Great Work' or The Plan, that he is above the rest of humanity ... Therefore imposed rule is a 'right'. The ONLY allegiance is to the 'Light'.  'Angel of light'. 

The Morning Star, which is the Eastern Star, was the nocturnal representation of the hidden Sun-god Osiris, or his soul, according to Egyptian mythology. He was called "Athtar," the Eastern Star [is big] among the Arabs. The Masons have adopted the Blazing Star". [There is also] the Pentagram, derived with its two horns (points) attacking Heaven.

This is very much what the teach their own.

The pyramid with the all-seeing eye ... more than 50 signatories to the Declaration of Independence were either Masons or Rosicrucians, much into esoteric sciences such as Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, Cabala, etc. Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were both astrologers.

That part above was written by a Jewish person, just to keep it in context. Both they and the Catholics are no fans of Masonry.

Enforcing secrecy ... was done in the same manner as in the Greek Mystery Schools. The candidates  were   required   to   confess   compromising information about themselves i.e., sexual indiscretions, and previously hidden criminal behaviour, as if he were confessing his sins to a Catholic priest. 

This reminds one of the rites conducted in another secret society, namely the Order of the Skull and Bones. There's evidence to suggest the orders are the modern version of Weishaupt's.

Non-Jewish source.

Adam Weishaupt - his order was to be based entirely on human nature and observation; hence its degrees, ceremonies, and statutes were to be developed only gradually, then in the light of experience and wider knowledge, and with the cooperation of all the members, they were to be steadily improved.

Whatever that means. Methinks it's a reference to incorporation the Sciences and that has carried on since the time of the Royal Society - the new god Science, as in 'following The Science - sound familiar today?

"To utilize for good purposes the very means which that order employed for evil ends", such was, according to Philo (Endl. Erkl., 60 sq.), "his pet design". For the realization of his plans, he regarded as essential the "despotism of superiors" and the "blind, unconditional obedience of subordinates" (ibid.), along with the utmost secrecy and mysteriousness.

Uh huh.  You're getting the general idea of these kooks but these kooks, as I term them, are the ones in power and their legions including those online calling those such as me 'kooks'.  Always project one's own foibles onto the target - they follow this slavishly, right down to SJWs.

Shall we do a bit more?
When the great international convention of Freemasons was held at Wilhelmsbad (16 July to 29 August, 1782) the "Illuminated Freemasonry", which Knigge and Weishaupt now proclaimed to be the only "pure" Freemasonry, had already gained such a reputation that almost all the members of the convention clamoured for admission into the new institution.

Moreover, in 1783 the anarchistic tendencies of the order provoked public denunciations which led, in 1784, to interference on the part of the Bavarian Government. As [their] activity still continued, four successive enactments were issued against them (22 June, 1784; 2 March, and 16 August, 1785; and 16 August, 1787), in the last of which recruiting for the order was forbidden under penalty of death.
That bit has been separately attested.
These measures put an end to the corporate existence of the order in Bavaria, and, as a result of the publication, in 1786, of its degrees and of other documents concerning it—for the most part of a rather compromising nature—its further extension outside Bavaria became impossible. The spread of the spirit of the order, which coincided substantially with the general teachings of the "enlightenment", especially that of France, was rather accelerated than retarded by the persecution in Bavaria.
Rrriggghhht.  Fine.
[O]fficial organs, the press, schools, seminaries, cathedral chapters (hence, too, all appointments to sees, pulpits, and chairs) were to be brought as far as possible under the influence of the organization, and princes themselves were to be surrounded by a legion of enlightened men, in order not only to disarm their opposition, but also to compel their energetic co-operation.
A complete transformation would thus be effected; public opinion would be controlled; "priests and princes" would find their hands tied; the marplots who ventured to interfere would repent their temerity; and the order would become an object of dread to all its enemies.
You getting a feeling about these overpowerful psychos?  That by the way was from the Catholic order of Jesuits - let's just say the two orders were/are not friends.  A bit more on some of the luminaries:
  • Benjamin Franklin, himself an expert in occultism, joined one of the first American Lodges of Masonry, and  published   an   edition   of  Anderson's Constitution in  1734
  • George Washington joined the Fredricksburg Lodge of Masonry in Virginia in 1752. 
  • Patrick Henry, Paul Revere, and John Paul Jones wore the apron of Masonry, and so did Benedict Arnold. 
  • Other Masons at the Alamo- Col. William Travis, James Bowie and David Crockett.
  • Washington, Jackson, Monroe, Polk, Andrew Johnson, Garfield, McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, Taft, Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Truman and Ford were all Freemasons. 
  • President Harding was only a 1st Degree Mason in his hometown Lodge. But when he was elected President, he quickly advanced from 1st to 32nd Degree.
  • Harry Truman once served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Eisenhower and Kennedy were not Masons, but L.B. Johnson took the 1st Degree in a Lodge in Texas, though he did not continue. Gerald Ford was a high ranking Mason
  • Others -John Jacob Astor, Irving Berlin, Luther Burbank, Henry Clay, Thomas  E.   Dewey,   Henry  Ford,   Barry  Goldwater, Samuel Compers, J. Edgar Hoover, Charles Lindbergh, General Douglas McArthur, Andrew Mellon, General John J. Pershing, Will Rogers, Sigmund Romberg, John Philip  Sousa,  Mark Twain, Chief Justice  Earl Warren
  • Skull and Bones - George Bush, Prescott Sheldon Bush, George W. Bush (George Bush's father), John Kerry, David Boren, William F. Buckley, Henry Sloane Coffin Sr. and Jr., Henry Luce, Henry Lewis Stimson, William Howard Taft, McGeorge Bundy, Archibald MacLeish
  • [Possibly repeating the above] - Washington, Buchanan, Garfield, Harding, Jackson, Johnson, McKinley, Monroe, Polk, the Roosevelts, Taft, Truman
  • J. Edger Hoover
That gives a rough idea.  It's probably more accurate to say that those running the public world are not one specific order but those within several orders - the aggregate of those and the Triads in the east making up what's going on. Going to throw in these clowns now:

You also need to throw in the SPPNA [which was the CFR], the TLC, other such organisations, before even getting to Tavistock and Chatham House over here.  Let alone The City. I'm steering clear of those for now.  Don't forget Common Purpose and Common Core Curriculum, International Baccalaureat.

In order to have any major or key role, you need to have a mind and soul like Cressida Dick.  Those of us not that way inclined are found in 'Sherwood Forest', should you venture into this Outremer.  Just one more for now for the hell of it:
Kissinger Associates, whose founding director is Lord Carrington, member of The Royal Institute of International Affairs based in London, The Bilderberg Group, whose aim is a federated Europe, and the Trilateral Commission, which has been instrumental in creating NAFTA, the EU, and APEC, was integrally involved in helping solve the Bosnian Kosova problem, which somehow got out of hand.

Just a question - we got a WA3 with the Blancmange, do you really think we would have got even the appearance of Brexit, had there not been a Great Reset under way?

So if we're looking for an explanation for the sheer topsy-turvy lunacy about now, the utter lack of logic, the deadly criminality underlying it all - there it is above.  This is what these people are about. From Cressida Dick to Pelosi, this is what they're about.

They run things, they're above us and they're sending in Plod and building fences around themselves.

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