Sunday 21 February 2021

We have all, unfortunately, seen and heard it all before.

 The calls for China to be ‘admonished’, the equally strident shouts of ‘Sanctions Immediately’, the useless calls for action from the UN Security Council; useless because Russia would block any proposal with any teeth, and of course because China wouldn’t take a blind bit of notice. Why all this high-level angst against a Sovereign Nation?

Its all because of the Muslim Uighurs, and their Genocidal treatment by the Communist Chinese State. The Chinese being, above all, astute enough to realise that Muslims, in bulk, do not make for peaceable sectors of population, decided to alter the whole balance of Muslim Uighur life. They built huge concentration camps, named them as ‘Re-Education Centres’, banned any mention of Islam in any part of the Uighurs’ life, forced them into slave labour battalions picking the cotton which China sells to the West, and, in general, behaving just like any other autocratic Dictatorship, only much more so!

We even had the GB&NI Parliament in this mix, with some MPs agitating for the British Supreme Court to be given the power to judge that a Nation has instituted ‘Genocide’ against sectors of its population; and thus to deprive that Nation of trade links. As the British Government reserves to itself that power, the move was only just defeated.

The humbling truth is that all this hot air is just that, wasted energy, The Chinese just won’t listen, because they know that nothing will happen, nothing will change, because they know that the WILL is not there. 


The answer is simple, and is spelled out in one word, one place-name, one country: TIBET.

The Chinese invaded this peaceful Nation in 1951, so peaceful that it didn't even have a standing army, and totally subjugated Tibet in under a year. Some years later, Tibetans rebelled, the Chinese reacted in their usual manner, thousands died; and the Only man which I regard as having any resemblance to the adjective ‘Holy’ fled to India. The West? We did sweet F*** All! America sent a few Notes. A couple of Nations complained at the UN. Apart from that? NOWT: NOTHING: SWEET F*** ALL!  We even allowed this bunch of geriatric killers to stage the bloody Olympics!

That, folks, is why nothing will happen about the Uighurs. Nothing: Nada: Zilch!


  1. Shock News: the West cares more about the fates of Muslims in China than all Muslim-run countries!

  2. That was ambiguous - I meant we in the west care more about persecuted Muslims in China than those in Muslim-run countries care about these oppressed people in China.
    Why are there no howls of outrage from the Saudis, Pakistan, Indonesia, etc., etc. about their Chinese 'brothers in religion'? Why is it the nominally Christian nations who care more?


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