Tuesday 23 February 2021

ONS, PCR and the rest of it


This is posted, not as gospel but out of curiosity to know what people think.


  1. James, I think it's proving what has been known for a long time.

    On the same subject, the virus, this from You Got a Problem is either a watch. And the full Council of Europe letter he reads it is with reading in full because it says things that YouTube won't let him read out, about the efficacy of the vaccines.


  2. The lack of a standard number for CTs in RT-PCR tests has been a disaster for analysing viral spreads, identifying hot-spots, etc. Was it deliberate or just the usual muddle of central planning?
    Tanzania (I think) stopped the rot when a papaya was swabbed and tested positive: their health minister had to resign. The UK continues with CTs of 20-25 in one area/lab and CTs of 35-40 in another - a Witless shambles.


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