Saturday 30 January 2021

The Real President never supported Censorship by the back door

 Long time back, well, just over three months ago, the dead hand of censorship commenced its stealthy reign in what was, once, the Land of the Free. Cancelling, doxxing, removal of legitimate speech; we’ve seen it all before, but never as blatant as in the rule of the new God-King, China Joe Biden.

There were well over fifteen hundred allegations of outright vote theft, tampering, machine violations, none, repeat none of which got anywhere near a hearing in a real Court. Every thing was negated, hushed up or just plain ignored. Its all too late now, the Electors have spoken, and the new God-King is in the Oval Office, trashing nearly everything which had even the shadow of President Trump cast over it. And are they all happy; are they relishing their new found approval rating?

It seems that at least one YouTube video, the actual recording of Biden’s Inauguration has been, over a 24 hr. Period tampered with. As is shown, in this post from a seriously smart lady by the name of Zoe Phin, the ‘dislikes’ outnumbered the ‘likes’ by some 130,000. And, as demonstrated by this dead-clever lady, the YouTube Swat Team deleted all 130,000 dislikes over a 24 hour period.

One timeline example, before the deleters got to working, can be found at 

The published video shows 1.2 k Likes, and 3.4K Dislikes. The saved video (Unable to embed) shows 4.3K Likes, and 48K Dislikes.

Say it ain’t so; Joe!

 Within six hours of posting a video, the dislikes were nearly ten times high than the likes — but then the magic eraser of unpopularity gets to work.

It’s just like voting, right?

Strange, I believe we were all told he was ‘The Most Popular President of All Time.


  1. Excellent, Grandpa. Adds some stats to what was already widely realised.

  2. So, why did Rudy Giuliani testify to a federal judge that this was not about claims of fraud? Why did the other lawyers for the Trump campaign testify in open court that they had no hard evidence?


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