Wednesday 20 January 2021

Never appease, never backslide on your commitments

Let’s bring this rotten day to a close.  The one I feel closest to is Vox, who made a number of acerbic comments across several posts.  Example:

It's hard to comprehend that President Trump is willing to allow all of this to happen to the people about whom he obviously cares so much, and to the nation that he loves. He still has 17 minutes left, but at this point, it's hard to blame anyone who believes his courage failed him in the end.

Methinks a large part of it was Javanka and Melania - the former were snakes, the latter a leftist through and through, just as the Carries of this world are.  A rare creature to find is a sane, unnobbled woman of principle, not brainwashed by the Woke.  I know a few and of course, there are many on social media, thank the Lord.

The most sickening part is those on our side making excuses or reverting to this "let’s all move on, what’s done is done".  No way known, this is criminal theft by paedos and druggies, unprincipled people.  There is NO moving on, zero.  I’ve just blocked and blacklisted about ten people and shall keep doing it, so was pleased to see Vox doing the same and waht's more - naming them. He's a bridge-burner like me is young Vox.

You see, in order to come together in unity, the miscreants must first go through the standard sequence:

  1. Remorse
  2. Atonement
  3. Redemption
  4. Closure

If that’s genuine, then they can be forgiven and the one forgiving does not then do as Demonrats do and keep on battering and cheating the fallen, he ceases, desists, he says. "Well let’s speak no more about it."  

But we’re lightyears from that stage, people, there is not the slightest remorse from these lowlifes, just chortling glee.

Now to look at us, ourselves. N1 is our own mental health. Easy enough for a true believer who lays it on the Lord, more difficult for the gutted and alone. A few no-nos are taking to drink, reverting to destructive habits, being completely soured.  

But the opposite is true as well - there must not be the slightest concession to evil, not at any time, no playing the urbane, mature appeaser and pleaser. My advice is to volunteer nothing but if asked, comment something like: "Theirs is coming."

And even more importantly - prepare for the next stage of this war. Read Ephesians 6. For war it is, it’s coming.  

Over here it’s the same - we’ve had quite a few days of shame - Heath, May’s WA1, the Blancmange’s WA2 and WA3, there’ve been many.  Love and Unity?  Pah, we’ll speak of that the day right prevails, shall we?

Finally - never, ever appease evil for the sake of peace.


  1. There will never by free elections in the US again. They will use their positions of power to roll out the dominion systems across the country and the will control it well before the election so that the final scores are close but clear wins. Occassionally dropping a state to the selected RINOs.

    America as a beacon of light and hope has now gone out. It is no different to Russia and every banana republic across the planet.

    Next up is the removal of 2A and the rollout of a woke agenda. This is the end of America and the start of the rise of China.

    Doris will be rolling them out here soon.

  2. 1. As Occasionally Coherent has mentioned before, "We are coming for you." and so the purge will begin.
    2. It will be interesting to see if anything happens now that a Democratic Party headquarters was attacked by the Burn, Loot, Murder mob and the oxymoron antifa goons, considering the Demrats referred to them as peaceful protesters during the Trump administration.

  3. Yep. My mate called Trump a speed bump on the road to their total control, they now now seem to be past that.

  4. James, I agree with you on Javanka and Melania.

    Also agree with your friend on Trump being 'a speed bump ...' That said, I bet he has a plan for the future (e.g. media), otherwise he will be very bored in short order.


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