Saturday, 15 February 2025

It’s not just folly … it’s long-planned destruction …

… by globopsychos above, their henchmen (and freeland type wimmin), the myrmidons, the karen army, every little tinpot god in a position of at least some influence … in every field of human activity. Meticulously planned and in-sane.

From the Conservative Woman

“NO ONE WHO is truly awake could now fail to be aware of the tyranny of anti-racism/multiculturalism and the vile assaults on free speech. Yet, following the political activism of the 1960s and 1970s, including the 1968 student-led mass protests, there were worrying developments in the early 1980s: the ultra-Left were invading our major institutions, particularly education, with the specific purpose of dismantling the culture of this country, creating social division, civil strife, and destroying our liberal democracy. That project was then, and has increasingly become remarkably successful, accelerating further under the rule of Starmer.”

I’m leaving it at that … he goes into education, as I could too … esp. around the time of the introduction of the National Curriculum … I’d prefer to keep it to just the far-left, the utter-nutters for now.

Friday, 14 February 2025

When Your Restaurant Review Comes With A Side Order...

...of diversity fawning:

Some restaurants are just a nice place to go for dinner. Yemen Heaven in York is obviously that. You will eat well there.

That's it, Jay, that's all that's needed, right? Recommendations for where to take the little ladie or genrtleman for a nice Valentines Day meal? 

But the restaurant is more than that.

Oh. Clearly not.  

Much like Arabic Flavour in Aberystwyth, which I visited last year, it is both the story of exile and an act of memory. It is the product of one woman’s determination to maintain her family’s traditions; to free the country of her birth from a single narrative of war and hardship, however overwhelming that narrative might seem right now.

*sigh* Anyone else just go to a restaurant to eat some great food and not have washing up afterwards? I do. History and current geopolitical affairs are for the telly afterwards. 

Muna Al-Maflehi was born in Taiz, a brown stone city in the highlands of southwestern Yemen, known before the current civil war for its quality coffee production and for the abundant citrus fields with which it is surrounded. When she was seven, Muna moved with her family to Saudi Arabia, where her father taught her the dishes his father had cooked for him. It was a way of keeping alive a connection to the country and culture they had left behind. In 2013, looking for a better life, she moved with her five children to live near Salzburg. There she started her first food-delivery business before, in 2017, following close relatives to York.

So she’s moved around a lot. Why? 

The plan was always to open a restaurant, but it’s never easy; harder still for those who are newly arrived. Eventually, they found an old pub, the Spread Eagle on Walmgate, in need of custodians and love. The wood-panelling and parquet is still there, and so is the bar, though beaten copper teapots now stand upon it. Otherwise, the space has been carefully papered and polished, and rubber plants strategically placed. According to the blackboard on the pavement by the front door, there is now a “secret Mediterranean garden” for smoking shisha out back.

Just what’s needed, I suppose. Say, why aren’t the usual suspects complaining about this? Why does she get a pass? 

Shortly before they were due to open, at the end of 2021, the newly decorated restaurant was broken into and ripped apart by vandals who splattered the walls with paint. “It was like a bomb had just hit it,” Muna told the York Press at the time, despairingly. “It was like being in the war in Yemen. I couldn’t believe that this had happened in the UK.”

Obviously the war in Yemen was a fairly tame affair!

But the community wanted the restaurant. A crowdfunder was launched. More than £21,000 was raised. Yemen Heaven opened and it remains very much a family affair.

Well, if 'the community' wanted it, they got it. But which 'community' was it, I wonder? 

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Facing up to the reality, getting real

First few items I saw Thursday morning illustrate and vigorously underscore that not only are our defences woeful, personally, but also nationally, plus there’s not the slightest chance any of us can combine in sufficient numbers, in a trained and practised way, to meet the extant danger.

Personally, I’m way past the point of warning people, same with so many soc-med pundits whom the jargon today calls red-pilled … we are, in every western nation, in a situation where the enemy goes through us like a knife through soft butter.

Here are some reasons:

a. Living in gaga land

Yesterday, our Julia retweeted an item on X by a martial arts guy, on the subject of women defending themselves. He tore strips off all these feminist inspired self-defence classes, and I’d add … even carrying pepper spray, guns, whatever … they’re all, at a minimum, putting the cart before the horse … at worst, they are pushing a Lie that today’s women, esp. in the west, are so desperate to believe and you see it in every film, in every online war game … the notion that women have sufficient “what it requires in real life” to defend themselves and their children.

Especially against this particular enemy pouring in.

Looking at our men, it’s similar … either flabby, gaunt, beer-paunched, lefty wispy-bearded or mincing, hurt by hurty words, flying to anger in an instant, increasingly impotent due to the poisons over the last few decades and esp. since 2020, along with the jab. Even men who were possibly still formidable in the 80s … ain’t now, not in the least.

Compounding this negligence, which puts us vastly below the WW2 years situation when men and women grew up so much tougher, due to so many factors, not least being the phone-to-ear or keyboard warrior imaginings today, fantasies about how tough we all are, where one hurty word sees us “block” someone and that’s seen as “tough and decisive” … through to passivity, where we make big statements online but never go out and combine in real life.

b. Understanding the nature of the enemy

Rupert Lowe showed footage of one of the latest batches of “fighting age” men arriving … no women, no children … scurrying under canopies into waiting vehicles … the collusion at the very top is out and out treason, even down through the RNLI, the airlines, customs … the lot of em. Combine that with the alien cultures already in … have you seen London and Brummieland demographics … only in America now is anything being done to defund them (DOGE).

Er … why do you think there are more of these now than are actually in the British defence forces and plod combined? And you’ve seen masses of lefty plod trying to take on one machete wielding savage, have you not? More ludicrous is that some of those were women of a sort … wot, 5’2” and/or overweight? The men themselves are no Fancy Smiths of yore or Flying Squad.

Back to the imports … they attack in packs, don’t they, never as one bunch of football lads facing off with another bunch. They attack vulnerable targets in far superior numbers. Women’s self defence lessons? There are some tough women, no doubt of it, a small percentage just as violent as this invading army, Hamas in the west so to speak. Get real.

What did that martial arts guy say? He said know when to run, as Nicky did in the Bourne Supremacy, putting her basic training to effect. But, he added, far better was to avoid trouble in the first place … to not be there in those places. Yesterday, local rag headlines spoke about a girl attacked in a park by two of these creatures … raped of course, brutalised.

What the hell was she doing alone in a park? Think about that. My bet is she’d gone out to meet what she thought were some fun DEIs, have a laugh, herself a budding THOT, trained by Swift. This is what Wokery does, enforced by the law of the land. The yoof are entirely unprotected, ditto the elderly and vulnerable … but the latter are less likely to sneak out to meet imported bad boys.

c. The last of the manly men (and just a few tough women)

… are all staying shtum … Bernie Spofforth showed what happens when not organised, eyes on target, with backup. Allison Pearson (Telegraph) had backup ready. The state decided she was too well placed, whereas Bernie was a loose cannon. Do you not see, ladies and gentlemen, that we are being played like violins?

Why am I not going downstairs to rant snd rave? No backup out there, whereas we have first, second and third defences up here, plus perimeter defences, plus not courting trouble … except me of course. I, in this post, endanger my neighbours and myself. We are on a war footing now, just as in the days of the Blitz … and the quislings are in charge above.

d. Consider a couple of snippets

“This guide looks at three of the main religions in the world, particularly in the Far East and Southern Asia. These religions focus on the forces of nature and energy to create a spiritual way of life.”

That is taken from an NHS course, designed to prepare people, in an Asian way, for “stress”. No mention of course of govt and NHS and Wokery creating that stress. There are thousands upon thousands receiving that pap online … far more among those whose first thought in downtime is to go to the MSM.

Cumulative effect? To soften up, to make defenceless, using soothing gobbledegook to manipulate. Oh … and what is the only major religion not mentioned anywhere at all in the guide? Yep, you guessed it.

Meanwhile, within the visible, officially permitted front of that unmentionable religion, what is the only face anyone ever sees? The antiPope communist in the Vatican, that egregious rainbow priestess that Trump and entourage were harangued by, that clown DJT has appointed his pastor … then Welby … it goes on and on.

Only ever the kookiest, cultlike face, never a real Christian who could easily tell you that female rainbow pastors of megafunded megachurches simply ain’t Christian in the least. Therefore, a real Christian is a menace to the Agenda, n’est-ce-pas? Just as DOGE is, just as readers of this post are. If you’re not dissident, think for yourself types, then what brought you here?

And since when are real Christians wimpy kumbaya chanters by candlelight? Have you not heard of the Salvos in preWoke days, of Onward Christian Soldiers? But even there, the only face permitted by the MSM in days of yore was the crazed, tub thumping Paisley hellfire and brimstone nutter. Religious murder in Ireland.

Drawing this together

It’s all theatre, all lies, all manipulation, rendering all westerners defenceless, lacking oomph, full of fear, disorganised, uncombinable, useless as warriors.

Have a look at this report on PMQs yesterday in the House of Clowns. Pathetic, no? Defenceless in any real way. Achieving nothing.

And finally … think back to those WW2 years … the calibre of the men, women … plus the kids “ride my bike and graze my knees” … right little tearaways, girls useful and skilful … taught to be so by grandmothers and mothers in turn. You all know what I’m saying here.

Meanwhile, the fighting age men with no moral nor social constraints pour in until all available housing is used up.

And then?

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Not 'Misguided' - Call Them What They Were: 'Incompetent'....

...and sack them. We'll all be safer without them.
Security minister Dan Jarvis said ‘there was sufficient risk for the perpetrator to have been managed through Prevent’, adding: ‘There are serious questions about how various agencies failed to identify and collectively act on the warning signs.’ Southport MP Patrick Hurley said: ‘Some of the details in this report, in this review, beggar belief.’ Yesterday the damning insight of the case revealed how Rudakubana, now 18, had admitted carrying a knife at school more than ten times, talked about ‘getting teachers murdered’ and wanted to knife a boy he had attacked with a hockey stick to ‘finish him off’.

Which should, in a sane world, suffice to finish off the careers of the idiots in Prevent who handled his case. But won't, of course. They won't even be named.  

Yet in a rush to close his case ‘prematurely’, experts may have failed to consider all the evidence because his name was misspelt in files, the report said. Prevent also did not complete lines of inquiries and concerns that he posed a risk to staff and students were brushed off as a ‘knee-jerk reaction’.
Misguided officers placed ‘too much focus’... ‘on the absence of a distinct ideology’, and missed signs of his escalating risk, the report concluded.

In short, they were incompetent at the very basics of their job. As is so often the case with those tasked with protecting us. Perhaps understandably so, as those who do a good job and do it well are often punished for it years later.  

Yesterday Mr Jarvis announced that Rudakubana will be considered as a ‘registered terrorist offender’ after he was jailed last month for 52 years for the murders and for producing the poison ricin using a terrorist manual.

Finally, common sense breaks out! 

Head of Counter-Terrorism Policing Matt Jukes said the Prevent system was ‘not equipped’ at the time to deal with ‘emerging risks that were very different to those it had been built to address’.

Or with good spelling and grammar, which would seem to be a good place to start. Who knows how many other threats are lurking in the database with different spellings preventing them from being collated? 

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

We do not need this Suicide BIll


That Voltaire maxim

Ann W quite right with that Voltaire maxim:

The lifeblood of dissident criticism … kill that, you’ve killed that society.

A cautionary tale in cyberland

Generally, I’d prefer not to repeat something here I’ve written elsewhere but in this case, it’s a universal theme so this is what just went up across the way, in response to an issue which has arisen:

Thing is this morning that DAD cannot post his comment … the next step is to look at reasons why … the step after that is circumventing it.

First thing is that we’re up against professional hacker-psyops people who do know what they’re doing, e.g. those helping Musk, except bad people, mixed in with hordes of script kiddies out of university, with varying levels of attitude and moral compass, believing either that they’re doing “good” (zealotry) or else obeying orders to keep their jobs.

Second is that the means of communication are controlled and I myself must needs be oblique. For example, no point DAD sending it via ggl as they are one of the core censors … vast majority of attacks on this site alone come from someone associated with ggl. WP are not far behind and remember that NOWP and UHC are not “free” sites, politically, by virtue of being money free. The other two sites have greater degrees of freedom but still have limits.

Third is that there are many corporate and govt or NGO groups acting to censor … in my case, from ex-BT to Apple to ggl to browser firms such as Firefox, Windows … and do not forget govt censor “teams”, both here and in France, the US etc. … then other providers … all censoring … all with their sets of anathema keywords, their bollox “community stds”, meaning only Woke allowed … multi-headed hydra.

Fourth is that what you write should be what I call “euphemised” if likely to be “sensitive”. You may have noticed key words, esp. starting with M, sliding back in and they’re prime words which will certainly shut out your drops. Simply put … if you breach those bot words, in anger, if you include such words, sooner or later at least one of these entities is going to shut you out. Outrageous? Well of course it is … iniquitous … but that’s the playing field and our purpose is to help change that, ourselves a multiheaded hydra.

Fifth, we may be “based”, as opposed to woke or globo but we’re certainly not in complete agreement on many things … just look at Reform itself, riven, fissures everywhere, unherdable cats. And such disagreements split, fracture, divide … that’s why they were inserted by the baddies behind the scenes in the first place … surefire way to foment division, over either this “hill to die on” or that. For example, the baddies have tried to create an issue out of Scott Pressler across the pond … why? Coz he’s a key demonrat-stymier in a key state which they need to flip, the baddies.

Sixth … your own IP address is a killer for you … it gets warning signs attached as “don’t let through”, your device, all you do has your ID all over it … if you do not vary that, then once they have you, you stay had … that’s the reality.

Seventh … your own cyber-literacy. The game has changed in the past few years … you learn from being stymied … it takes time and humble patience, not blind anger.

Eighth … give it time. From a simple “refresh browser” to a reboot (even switching off at the wall and restarting), you can sometimes find a “getaround” that way now … whereas earlier you could not. It could also be attack or incompetence vis-a-vis your provider at some point in the linked chain. Give it time. Try later. This is where I use this russkie word “nichevo” … it means no matter, friend, try a different way later, not as a bull in a china shop now. Also, downtime is thinking time.

Ninth … age and health, combined with natural impatience when stymied. Whatever we’re attempting, someone is finding ways to stop us the entire time, 24/7. We at our age are at a disadvantage age, health and psychologically speaking. Answer is make notes, follow them, take your time … it might take all day.

So, if you, dear reader-dropper, have been shut out, even of commenting at all … then there are a few “getarounds”, e.g. setting up a different email to email, understanding that even the “getaround” can be tainted. For example, I have an email james at unherdable cats dot com. If you have an email which is not one of the main commercial providers, then send what you have to mine, but do not include core naughty words that are sure to be blocked along the way. I’ll reply and/or use the copy you’ve sent. You could try Jstack too as an alternative.

That’s about it for now, chaps and chapesses.

Ten … try all sorts of different get arounds … patiently … but we’ve said that already.

Monday, 10 February 2025

Enough Is Enough - Knock The Bloody Thing Down!

Angela Rayner has been accused of ignoring the concerns of bereaved Grenfell families over plans to demolish the tower block where 72 people died.

It's still standing? Good grief, the fire was in 2017! Knock the eyesore down and be done with it! 

What should happen to the site of the catastrophic fire has always split opinion, with some bereaved and survivors feeling the tower should remain in place until there are criminal prosecutions over the failings which led to the fire.

You should all know by now that's almost certainly never going to happen.... 

Grenfell United claimed Ms Rayner 'refused to confirm how many bereaved and survivors' had been spoken to about demolishing the tower, saying she was ignoring their voices 'on the future of our loved ones' gravesite.

She does that to everyone, you're not a special case. 

The Government has previously said structural engineering advice remained unchanged 'in that the building (or that part of it that was significantly damaged) should be carefully taken down'. It is expected more details will be set out by the end of the week.
The final report of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry, published in September, concluded the disaster was the result of 'decades of failure' by government and the construction industry to act on the dangers of flammable materials on high-rise buildings.

And like every other failure of government and regulation, no-one will lose their job over it.  

Sunday, 9 February 2025

A leisurely Sunday read? Watch it, folks!

There are two themes to this post. The first concerns Cummings himself, the power he claims, all of that in the content.  The other is below the screenshot … the process of even getting it to the reader.

Straight to the second theme in this post … the issues in even getting this to you. There was a complaint across the way at our place and I quite sympathise … things were much simpler in IT days of yore. This is partly that platforms have overcomplicated it today for the sake of it … bells and whistles … but some of it is political … to do with censorship, plod at the door in Britain, incarceration.

Have you heard of a lady named Bernie Spofforth?  Maybe another called Allison Pearson? You write a hurty tweet today in this country and they have waited for the pretext.

So, in order to bring you the story, we often have to bury the link, which annoys both readers and us sommit awful.  In the one above, which is an excerpt (allowed for reportage purposes) posted by “Simple” at X, from the Sunday Times interview with Cummings … Simple himself ran a screenshot … therefore the link leads nowhere … but we know it was the ST.

The only recourse for a reader is to find it elsewhere at X, or even on another platform, blogs etc. … or even go to the paywalled ST itself.  Now I did surf a bit to find the url and was going to paste it directly under the screenshot … could not do … not sure it was an issue with plod … more with the ST and copyright/fair usage.

Fine for Ian Hislop to publish and be megafined … he can afford it … we can’t … nor can you the reader. If you’ve read it, you’re guilty of Sunday afternoon reading … a crime in Britain under this communist regime.

Sorry but them’s the times we now live in.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

State run media

Consider this one:

Of course, they’ve taken it one step further in Britain … already notorious for lack of protections of citizens, only of “newcomers”, the only media still semi-free are blogs, vlogs and major platforms to varying degrees. Both Julia and I have been suspended multiple times.

Communist govt gets in by playing the system’s faults, plus flat out lying to the public and there it is. The only option is revolution.  Wot?  In Britain?  Maybe in France.