To divide the previously undivided that is.
Let’s just pretend that there is a growing worldwide phenomenon of disgruntled people who gradually become dissident. Let’s just say there are sufficient numbers to, say, elect a US President … twice. Let’s also say, for the sake of argument, that were they to get their voices together, get their act together, skipping over other strong differences in the interest of, say, freedom, liberty …
… then this is something up with which an evil cabal (I know, I know, there’s no such thing as either “evil” or a “cabal” … evil is just a word used by religious nutters, by Taylor Swift in videos … and no one in power ever colludes on anything to get their own way) … for example, there were never any trade guilds, no such thing as monopolies, no such thing as the Masons, no such thing as the WEF, the WHO etc. etc. etc., let’s just pretend there are cabals, for the sake of argument …
… then what would such a cabal and its agents do to stymie, to break up this movement?
Well, for a start, it would need some Mastermind or masterminds to have such a comprehensive knowledge of human folly over millennia, recorded for posterity … such a mastermind as, say, Biden, Ann Kirkpatrick in New Orleans, AOC, Two Tier Starmer, David Lammy … with unlimited funds growing on trees (sorry to use such a dirty word), with sufficient clout to bribe or threaten anyone in the way, to compromise people in power …
Whoa, Jimbo, you might say … that’s just fantasy world or a James Bond film, no one has that kind of power, even if President Woodrow Wilson did write that it existed, interlocked, murderous, at the time of the setting up of the Fed … in short, there’s no such thing as evil, right? Why not? Coz I say so.
Where was I? Oh yeah … let’s just say that in this fictional west-wide group of countries where the plebs are getting uppity, that something must be done to stop them. Let’s just say this cabal had an island where world movers and shakers visit to play out perversions, secretly filmed, or at Washington parties or at Martha’s Vineyard or in Dolphin Square or on Jersey … anywhere really … then they’re going to be easy to control, once compromised, no?
But it needs more … it needs a nation divided against itself (Lincoln). How? Well, identify grievances, e.g. the Hootsy and Tootsy in Rwanda, send in the Envoy, e.g. Kissinger … and hey presto … they’re at each other’s throats, murdering, mutilating, all those goodies … or in Darfur … wherever.
Back here, let’s say you invent a party, e.g. For Britain (just to invent a name) and in charge is a lady otherwise sexually inclined, whereas the members are divided between socially conservative anti-Woke and rainbow-coloured anything-goers, choose your own perversion … then very soon it would fall apart … it’s the old playbook, innit?
But you can invent it out of thin air too … let’s just say there’s this thing called seasonal flu … the masterminds stroke the chin and say hmmmmm, what if we get some labs in Ukeland or China to crank it up into something nasty, then roll out DNA changing jabs to fix it by killing the vulnerable … and of course, you then create this mindless bunch called karens who can’t think straight (MSM fed) and they attack everyone suspicious, hesitant, waiting to see how it rolls … and just to give it an edge, let the karens go anywhere they want but the hesitant lose their jobs, are incarcerated in their homes … etc. etc.
Yep … total fantasy, I admit.
Or else let’s invent a climate crisis, set up a compromised panel to invent jolly hockey sticks, let’s invent carbon capture at ruinous cost and put a nutter in charge of it … and so on and so on. Anyone opposing it is Far Right.
All right, social media … let’s say that one particular platform is bought, the buyer says all the right things, cosies up to the current Bad Boy and this platform becomes immensely powerful … it has the ability to change global policy.
Uh huh. How to break it up?
Well, the new boss weaponises the existing “verified” (meaning pay him money, give him all your personal details) and “unverified” (plebs like us). Now the verified are asked not to allow comments from the plebs.
Let’say I (unverified) have an X friend (ex model, lovely set of dogs she walks) and she now comes out and says: “Oh, I’ve always paid my way,” suggesting the unverified are freeloaders sponging off the new platform … do you begin to see where this is going?
And there is your two tier division invented in order to break up any momentum, to split former friends etc. Then to call one side in a debate too negative (the good side by the way) … and there’s that old playbook again.