Tuesday, 14 January 2025

BA’s pig’s breakfast attempt to blot out Britishness

 In a break from HQ “tradition”, here’s a piece based on Ruairidh’s “Utopia”, concerning not just BA’s break from national tradition itself but the tale of the complete pig’s breakfast it became once its national identity died. What’s more, I’m running it in three places … here, at Unherdables and at Jstack … on the grounds that it is important enough for this nation supposedly known as “Britain” for it to appear in three places. First the youtube:

Long ago, I was part of various educational curricula which sold a particular brand … a “British” education, and that included in other countries where it was known as EFL and other acronyms, complete with examination systems which the world valued.

Interesting, upon my return, to see that Jack Straw’s loathing for the “English” would be embraced by anyone at all within “England”, esp. those enjoying her benefits, along with Blair’s loathing, Brown’s, Sturgeon’s etc. History is history and the Irish and Scots do have a historical case imho, to be not all that enamoured of the English but then there was the Barnett formula and the West Lothian question, was there not?

It was the “British” army, it was pretty clear that the mass of regions within regions … well where is the line drawn? The line of national consciousness? Does this land really want another Wars of the Roses? Really? Another ’45? I only have one flag in this place, can’t remember where now but it’s the St George’s Cross. In day to day affairs, I’m mainly dealing with those thinking of themselves as British, though some think of themselves as Scouser or Mancunian or even Salopian.

Judging by the Scottish referendum, sufficient people subscribed to “Britishness” to make day to day living and travel, even fighting abroad a “doable” thing, a workable concept … it had been Rule Britannia ruling the waves rather than Rule Anglia, though in Russia I was called Anglichanan and the Americans keep using the term English … no argument from me but within these shores, British is a workable concept.

What it is not is a Caliphate, nor a type of Punjab and in fact, no one was more “British” than the non-Brit coming in through “the right channels” … Somerset Maugham touched on it all in Mr. Know-All:

“ “I am Mr. Kelada,” he added, with a smile that showed a row of flashing teeth, and sat down.

“Oh, yes, we’re sharing a cabin, I think.”

“Bit of luck, I call it. You never know who you’re going to be put in with. I was jolly glad when I heard you were English. I’m all for us English sticking together when we’re abroad, if you understand what I mean.”

I blinked.

“Are you English?” I asked, perhaps tactlessly.”

I looked up the name Kelada … Egyptian, Indian, African, somewhere around there. The last thing Mr. Kelada would have wanted, I’m sure, is that pig’s breakfast on the tail of what should have been, in everyone’s mind, a British aircraft. The word “Chatham” for the Concorde’s livery was a black joke in itself … associated with destroying “Britishness” … ruled from Davos … yet the livery was readily identifiable as British.

What do you feel about Alice Weidel or Christine Anderson in Germany? I feel close to them, also Kassandra in Greece, Mandy Gall in Ireland … they’re loyal to their people … MAGA too. Subrosa in Scotland. Doonhamer, it goes on.

Those I feel not the least close to are those trying to wreck our respective identities, e.g. this EU excrescence. And the ones coming up with those awful tailfin designs for BA would have been better strangled at birth.

The Woke left mind virus is insidious, is it not? What you can never explain to them is that we’re already global in friendship on our side of the ledger, without claiming their land as part of some global, muddy mish mash mess. Artificial. Contrived. Like Net Zero.

Will the gas run out or is it just a scare tactic

… not unlike the coming crash they threaten us with in this fiat money economy, where the Carney types can crash markets whenever they wish and when it’s most politically expedient to Davos and the BIS.

Meanwhile, they maniacally pursue the country wrecking net zero, ferociously pursuing it no matter what.

Put that with digital ID, being forced through even now and it’s pretty clear the govt is not our friend, quite the opposite.  The last link in this immediate chain is govt saying the gas will run out by the end of this week, leaving most of the country ready for the new freeze by the end of the week … which will just about soften western Britishers sufficiently for the fighting age invaders to be activated.

Sheer fantasy, any or all of it? 🍿🍿🍿

Monday, 13 January 2025

This Is Mostly The ‘Admin’ That Everyone Has To Do, Though

Sofia Brizo spends four hours a day on what she calls "disability admin". The 27-year-old PhD student, who has cerebral palsy, said she needed to spend that time on making accommodations and planning alternatives, because "the world is not accessible".
Disability Wales said disabled people endured an "immense and often daunting" amount of administration.

*sighs* OK, I'll bite. Give us a 'for instance'

Sofia, from Cardiff, who is also a disability activist (Ed: Funny how they always have time and enery for activism, isn't it?), said it was everyday things, such as planning a train journey or booking a routine medical appointment, which can take time. "It's all of these little things that kind of add on to your day and something that, for a non-disabled person would take like 30 seconds, for me sometimes it could take half an hour," she added.
She said she was lucky as her work in academia meant she had a degree of flexibility in her job, recalling how she recently had to leave a meeting unexpectedly to get her walker repaired at a nearby bike shop.
"I feel like my disability is a full-time job sometimes, and it's not just because of my own body and the extra care it needs, but it's mostly because of the inaccessible world that we live in," she said.

No, that's just more 'poor me' whinging. Be specific.  

The para swimmer, from Bergamo in Italy, said she recently decided to monitor how much time she spent on these tasks, after a series of problems, and calculated it was four hours a day. "That's literally half of my working day and then I end up having to work weekends, but paradoxically, it's less stressful for me to do my job at weekends.
"I can't make phone calls about medical appointments on a Saturday or Sunday," she added. The campaigner said a recent attempt to book her smear test was a good example.

Newsflash, love - no-one can.  

"I have a disability as it states in my medical record, I need my legs supported so I need a bed with stirrups.
"They say they'll call me back in a few days. A week later I call again, it takes about an hour, it's a different receptionist, I have to explain everything again."

Gosh, the non-disabled have never experienced that, I bet.... 

Eventually Sofia was able to book an appointment at a nearby medical centre, although when she arrived, they had booked the wrong appointment.
"The whole thing was a disaster," she said.

And none of that is down to 'accessibility' but down to incompetence on the part of the medical staff - something non-disabled people experience too, in even greater numbers!  

The professor said, at times, asking for reasonable adjustments in the workplace could feel like asking for "special favours".

Are they things every other employee gets? No? Then what else are they? 

"The embedded ableism that's in the way that we've designed everything, because it's people who are able-bodied, who have done the designing," she added.

Of course it is - there's more of us.  

Saturday, 11 January 2025

What did he actually say

... and what are the implications if he really has changed his stance?  That’s one question … an equally important one for us is seeing how Them lead us astray, their technique.

Below are a series of screenshots, as they were taken from early evening, Friday, until around midnight … some are timestamped, most not. Plus one piece of footage of Farage speaking to Skynews Australia in 2022 on Begum.


As you will see, there are contradictions … which appear resolved, only to again sound quite iffy the way he’s spinning it.  Throughout, what is your attitude?

Well first, where are you, politically? Whom would you call reliable? ITV? X?  Certain pundits among us?  Plus there’s your whole journey until now … yours may have been quite different to mine, to those at our site. Also, how good are you yourself at evaluating?

These questions are not to insult but to illustrate the difficulty in coming to a consensus on what is actually the situation, when different groups are using manipulative techniques on you, me, even censoring, as I’ve just had happen on X.

Here’s the first … note the size of the print:

The second, third etc., in the order I actually saw them through the evening:

That last is the one with the Sky Oz 2022 interview linked at “HERE” top the post.

If you’re not on X, nor saw it on TV, nor remember the details from 2022, then how will you evaluate what he said? I played it on X and he was speaking in no uncertain terms about Begum returning … an emphatic NO!

Remembering that I have not a clue who Gus Tay is, how reliable, whom he’s representing,is being paid by … same as with every single one of em … then that’s quite a task to evaluate, particularly if you’re going to then spread the word to family and friends … have any of us actually got the right end of the stick? Especially as we dearly wish we have?

Just one more thing … if Farage says it’s not certain she’s ISIS, that may be so … ISIS was formed in the CIA Operation Cyclone … does not mean she’s not death cult though … just a different death cult … there are dozens.

Or ……. DOES it actually mean he’d vote to let her back in, on some nicety, some sophistry of his?  Some finely abstruse point?  Because I’d call that way out of order if he is … Begum being a very, very sore point for Brits, as was Southport. If Farage gets that wrong, on some strategic mission to placate the deathcult … bad move, damaging to Reform, almost selling out to the Tories.

I’m not saying he is … I’m saying it’s a too opaque morass to evaluate from a soc-med platform, given that no MSM can be trusted today and we’re all we have on this. Plus prayer for guidance too.

Friday, 10 January 2025

Let's Spin The Wheel Of Racism And See Where It Lands This Time...

....oh. Racist cartoon hyaenas? 

Well. I wasn't expecting that.
The Lion King was met with near universal praise when it came out 25 years ago. It grossed 312.9 million in the U.S. It won two Oscars. But an argument nevertheless emerged concerning the two main hyenas, Shenzi and Banzai—namely, that they were racist characters. In an overwhelmingly white voice cast (for a movie about Africa), they were brought to life by minority actors, Whoopi Goldberg and Cheech Marin, who played them as low-life gangsters, reprobates who speak in slang and live tucked away in a shadowy corner of the Pride Lands—the wrong side of the tracks.

Which the usual suspects immediatly recognised not as the usual Disney 'villian' trope, but as an attack on 'black street culture'. So, who exactly is the racist here?

Critics said their accents instantly demonized the characters. Academic pieces blasted the hyenas’ “street” vernacular. Some articles pointed out how the clever, cunning Scar—who speaks with white British actor Jeremy Irons’ King’s English—subjugates the destitute hyenas as his servants. “The good-for-nothing hyenas are urban blacks,” wrote a Harvard psychologist. A New York Times journalist dubbed them “Sambo-ish.

Just goes to show, you can go to Harvard, or you can be educated at Harvard. People often choose the wrong one. 

When asked about the controversy in 1994, Disney spokeswoman Terry Press dismissed it. “It’s a story. It’s fiction,” she said. “These people need to get a life.”


Thursday, 9 January 2025

The nasty details behind Palisades in LA

There are two immediate issues just now … the shameful voting at Westminster last evening, which I’ll cover over at Unherdables … and the shameful Palisades fires, covered here now.

Donald Trump a couple of years back suggested to Newsom how to prevent this sort of devastation by redirecting water to forest areas instead of straight into the Pacific Ocean … he took no notice of course.

Next step was this:

There was also the appointment of a DEI lesbian as fire chief, along with no forest policy, no clearing, preparation, relatively no funds, almost as if Newsom and Co wanted this to happen in order for someone to buy up the prime real estate at firesale prices …

No water to fight the fires once they (were) started?

While there are certainly well-heeled people living in Palisades, there are also many middle-middle class making ends meet at those prices.  In the case of James Woods, the antiWoke former actor, it’s a bit like we know him through social media. His wife posts …

Newsom did nothing whatever until it was burnt out … now, Wednesday evening, their time, he’s suddenly sprung into action with huge grandstanding about all he’s doing.

Whichever way you slice this one, it certainly has the stench of Maui, with major moneybags poised to pounce, just as in North Carolina. And the fact is … there’s absolutely nothing anyone can do once the crims decide to wipe out some prime real estate.

James is currently unable to post on X, so I’m taking the liberty of adding this beauty: 

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

But The Justice System Doesn't Believe Women Who Deny Domestic Abuse, Abigail

And I'm pretty sure you'd have been in favour of that....

A Bolton man who is on the run after being recalled to prison indefinitely has made a direct plea to the justice secretary to intervene in his case. Matthew Booth, 33, is wanted by police on recall to prison for a crime he committed when he was 15 and for which he has served a sentence. He was given an indefinite imprisonment for public protection (IPP) sentence, meaning he can be recalled without notice for breaches of strict licence conditions.

The 'Guardian' has a bee in its bonnet about these, considering them cruel to criminals, and so paints a 'Robin Hood' picture of this wanted felon. 

He has pleaded with the justice secretary, Shabana Mahmood, to intervene after being accused of restarting a relationship with his former partner, Abigail Vernon, with whom he has two daughters, aged 10 and seven, without notifying the authorities. Booth and Vernon both deny this. They say the Parole Board is also under the misconception that Booth has been abusive to Vernon in the past. They say he has not.

Well, yes, I've no doubt they do. But prevailing wisdom in the justice system has been to no longer take the woman's word for it. Because it now recognises 'coercive control' i.e. women being stupid about what's really going on. 

IPP sentences under which offenders were handed a minimum jail term but no maximum were dropped over human rights concerns in 2012, seven years after they were introduced by New Labour.
Vernon denied the Parole Board’s claims that Booth had been abusive to her in the past, and she has asked that he is allowed to be managed in the community.

But why should anyone take notice of what she wants? 

Shirley Debono, a co-founder of IPP Committee in Action, who has supported Vernon and Booth, said: “Shabana Mahmood must intervene and stop Matthew from being sent back to prison.”

Must she? Why? 

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

J6 and the steal

Going to combine drops by Steve, IYE and myself here, on the US shenanigans … more after the screenshots …

From Pelosi to Obama to Milley to the Feds, plus local LEOs … this was a well coordinated series of attacks, combined with the steal itself, the dud machines, late night boxes of ballots etc.

After Jan 20 coming up … 🍿🍿🍿.  Links you’ll find at this site.

Monday, 6 January 2025

Don’t The BBC Have A Team To Combat Disinformation?

While the identities of all the victims have not been made public yet, a picture is slowly emerging of a group of mostly young people, many of whom - like Tiger - were Louisiana locals.

Eh? But didn't you start the article with this? 

Jack, 22, was in Dallas visiting family members, while Tiger, a 28-year-old former Princeton alumnus who lived in New York, was in New Orleans, getting ready to celebrate the New Year.

And also: 

Among the other victims of the attack in the early morning hours of 1 January was Matthew Tenedorio, an audio-visual technician at New Orleans' Caesars' Superdome. Tenedorio, who just turned 25 in October, had spent the earlier part of his evening at his brother's home in the town of Slidell, about 35 minutes away from New Orleans.

Closer, but still no cigar, BBC.