Sunday, 5 January 2025

Inventing issues to divide

To divide the previously undivided that is.

Let’s just pretend that there is a growing worldwide phenomenon of disgruntled people who gradually become dissident. Let’s just say there are sufficient numbers to, say, elect a US President … twice.  Let’s also say, for the sake of argument, that were they to get their voices together, get their act together, skipping over other strong differences in the interest of, say, freedom, liberty …

… then this is something up with which an evil cabal (I know, I know, there’s no such thing as either “evil” or a “cabal” … evil is just a word used by religious nutters, by Taylor Swift in videos … and no one in power ever colludes on anything to get their own way) … for example, there were never any trade guilds, no such thing as monopolies, no such thing as the Masons, no such thing as the WEF, the WHO etc. etc. etc., let’s just pretend there are cabals, for the sake of argument …

… then what would such a cabal and its agents do to stymie, to break up this movement?

Well, for a start, it would need some Mastermind or masterminds to have such a comprehensive knowledge of human folly over millennia, recorded for posterity … such a mastermind as, say, Biden, Ann Kirkpatrick in New Orleans, AOC, Two Tier Starmer, David Lammy … with unlimited funds growing on trees (sorry to use such a dirty word), with sufficient clout to bribe or threaten anyone in the way, to compromise people in power …

Whoa, Jimbo, you might say … that’s just fantasy world or a James Bond film, no one has that kind of power, even if President Woodrow Wilson did write that it existed, interlocked, murderous, at the time of the setting up of the Fed … in short, there’s no such thing as evil, right?  Why not?  Coz I say so.

Where was I?  Oh yeah … let’s just say that in this fictional west-wide group of countries where the plebs are getting uppity, that something must be done to stop them. Let’s just say this cabal had an island where world movers and shakers visit to play out perversions, secretly filmed, or at Washington parties or at Martha’s Vineyard or in Dolphin Square or on Jersey … anywhere really … then they’re going to be easy to control, once compromised, no?

But it needs more … it needs a nation divided against itself (Lincoln). How?  Well, identify grievances, e.g. the Hootsy and Tootsy in Rwanda, send in the Envoy, e.g. Kissinger … and hey presto … they’re at each other’s throats, murdering, mutilating, all those goodies … or in Darfur … wherever.

Back here, let’s say you invent a party, e.g. For Britain (just to invent a name) and in charge is a lady otherwise sexually inclined, whereas the members are divided between socially conservative anti-Woke and rainbow-coloured anything-goers, choose your own perversion … then very soon it would fall apart … it’s the old playbook, innit?

But you can invent it out of thin air too … let’s just say there’s this thing called seasonal flu … the masterminds stroke the chin and say hmmmmm, what if we get some labs in Ukeland or China to crank it up into something nasty, then roll out DNA changing jabs to fix it by killing the vulnerable … and of course, you then create this mindless bunch called karens who can’t think straight (MSM fed) and they attack everyone suspicious, hesitant, waiting to see how it rolls … and just to give it an edge, let the karens go anywhere they want but the hesitant lose their jobs, are incarcerated in their homes … etc. etc.

Yep … total fantasy, I admit.

Or else let’s invent a climate crisis, set up a compromised panel to invent jolly hockey sticks, let’s invent carbon capture at ruinous cost and put a nutter in charge of it … and so on and so on.  Anyone opposing it is Far Right.

All right, social media … let’s say that one particular platform is bought, the buyer says all the right things, cosies up to the current Bad Boy and this platform becomes immensely powerful … it has the ability to change global policy.  

Uh huh. How to break it up?

Well, the new boss weaponises the existing “verified” (meaning pay him money, give him all your personal details) and “unverified” (plebs like us).  Now the verified are asked not to allow comments from the plebs.

Let’say I (unverified) have an X friend (ex model, lovely set of dogs she walks) and she now comes out and says: “Oh, I’ve always paid my way,” suggesting the unverified are freeloaders sponging off the new platform … do you begin to see where this is going?

And there is your two tier division invented in order to break up any momentum, to split former friends etc.  Then to call one side in a debate too negative (the good side by the way) … and there’s that old playbook again.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Fame is just an ego trip

Earlier, I Xed over there:

She and I “follow” each other.  Just now, I saw Mark Knopfler’s “short” on fame:

Methinks he laid it out well … the live song which many remember was the Alchemy tour version of Sultans … I saw a reaction video to it and to my mind, everything she said was right … everyone was feeding off the others to make it one of the greatest performances ever:


Remember she’s probably a Millennial/early Gen Z.  The major thing is to be appreciated for doing good work … that’s all it is. People carry on about “followers” on X … who needs numbers, seriously? Look, any female can do an Only Fans thing for hundreds of thousands, any male can lust for power, being a big hitter = egotist plus.  

Reiterating … who needs it?  A couple of dozen people liking your work … that’s everything … I’m thinking Julia thinks the same, Grandpa dropping in now and then. There are people reading here for this wunnerful gal, there are a few here on my behalf, some following Mike’s saga. Some for the blog itself, which started in 2012.

Julia and I have surprised some how we get along, being different types. That’s the buzz … and our readers are important … that’s it … we don’t want OoL to fade away.

Friday, 3 January 2025

Did they get him?

Friday, 2102: Just tried to get into X:

Elon’s living at MaL with his children.

Moving The Deckchairs...

A group of left-leaning MEPs have warned of “systemic inequities” after it emerged that the EU executive’s lead official in combating racism, who is a black European woman, was excluded from a reshuffle that left her in a “lower position” than her white peers.

Like two bald men fighting over a comb, Reader... 

The European Commission announced earlier this month that its coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, and her counterpart on battling anti-Muslim hatred, would be moved to its secretariat-general, the department at the apex of the EU executive that reports directly to president Ursula von der Leyen. The commission’s anti-racism coordinator, however, will remain in a standard department, a lower and less weighty position, say MEPs and campaigners.

And with less options for climbing that greasey pole to the top. Which is probably the main draw.

Although none have been made envoys, the move to the secretariat-general for two is seen as opening the door to that promotion, while giving them greater political clout in the meantime. In official questions to the commission, MEPs representing Socialists, the Left and Greens said: “This exclusion, affecting the only racialised coordinator, raises concerns about systemic inequities.”

Well, we can safely ignore anything said by such a trio of failures... 


Thursday, 2 January 2025

Rape gang dam wall seems to have been breached

Been a tad unwell, fellow Orphans, esp. right now, but have been keeping up with polit-reading.

Plenty across the pond but my delight is that it’s hit the fan on the rape gangs over here, courtesy of some Americans … now this is promising. All sorts of historical miscreants under the hammer, it’s all they wrote on X. Gab still to catch up.

I’ve thought for some years (and no doubt many of you have mentioned it too) that within one country, nowt much can be forced but:

  • if it comes from o/s
  • consistently enough
  • and the ladies get themselves organised across the west

… then dam walls can fall … it did happen in Northern Ireland, sparked by the women’s peace train. I’m watching and big names in the Brit firmament are now coming out over it. Good. It’s something at least.

How safe yet in Starmer’s communist dystopia is it to speak above a whisper?  Let’s see.

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

New Year's message

As neither Julia, Mike nor I have organised any formal New Year greetings to you all, dear readers, hoping these will suffice:

Hoping and praying this coming year will not be a washout for those of good will ... some good signs in America, none yet in Europe nor in the southern hemisphere ... but miracles do occur. 

Thx to all good friends here.

(Photo from Paris Secret)

The Great British “Honours” Scam

All the wrong people being “honoured” again:

No doubt there are worthy recipients but the whole thing is cheapened into tackiness by these sorts of nominations.  RH Tawney, long ago, refused one, asking what harm he’d ever done the Labour Party.

RHT … just being part of it is sleazy in itself, even worse, perhaps, than wet Tory sleazebags.

The NHS jungle

This was from two days ago but is nonetheless current afa I can see:

This is a personalised take on it but I’ll also summarise my mate’s comments, as they bring something to the table as well.  

While I did have a nominal GP, let’s call her Dr. J, she was a mixed bag (so to speak).  She was superfast at getting an ambulance to me way back on heart attack day, plus she was pretty efficient, plus very hands on in our last face to face “consultation” immediately pre-covid scam.

However, in speaking to the girl at the counter in reception, she dropped hints that I’d scored this GP as she’d been available … none of the others had been … they’d been snapped up by regulars at the practice and good luck to them, I say.

The one time I had a male doctor was mainly to answer “charges” of “abuse” by a female locum for “verballing” her. She disappeared from the practice soon after … seems she liked to do this sort of thing. So the female is a double-edged sword but the male is always a gruff, imperious speaker of RP who looks down on you, alpha male, which is fine, as I look down upon him.

Plus, to quote my mate who’d been given the wrong pills, I’m told … he asked the female doc why they’d been prescribed … she had no idea. An old male doc had prescribed them.

My own experience was that my doc at the time (female) had wanted to know if I accepted her expertise as doctor and I’d assured her I did … but was still capable of listing history, signs and symptoms for her to diagnose. As it was cardiac, she sent me to a major hospital, where an Indian doctor, charged by the NHS admin behind him to “reduce costs” by reducing my meds, had done so … arbitrarily, no explanation.

Result was my being unable to breathe. In my return appointment with the lady doc, she’d suddenly developed official “expertise” and had countermanded the cardio doc from the hospital.  “They’re not doing anything for you,” had been her parting shot though, in her version of a powerplay.  The EBM literature had told her they would not be much use. Actually, I was breathing right again but no matter.

A female nurse had taken me aside and advised the best place in town for med deliveries … if I wanted, she could change it now … it’s been good ever since. When I’d phoned over an annual blood test, it was a nurse I knew, not a receptionist per se … she said to go to such and such a clinic, not the major one … so I did.

Once there for my appointment, the clinic said they knew nothing about it, but the nurse would do me anyway. She’d read the screen about me and had said, “Ah, yes,” grinned and had done the test, chirpily.

The practice, a week later, had grumpily conceded I needed no further prescriptions nor medical procedures “for now”.

Now what am I to make of all this? Seems to me that doctors are to be avoided … too into the company admin procedures biz, most lucrative … the nurses were mixed. Some were nice gals, doing good things for us … some were in with the firm’s admins and docs and their advice was iffy at best.

Result?  I tend to trust the lesser female nurses most but they don’t necessarily trust themselves … and every further referral to the senior doc or nurse has thereafter been fraught in some way.  And that’s the situation right now. 

Having not turned up for vaxxes forever, an imperious senior doc (male, stern tones) texted recently to say he wanted me in there that day for vaxxing please.

I ignored it. Putting my life at risk?  Or staying alive? My mate added something interesting … the females tend to care, are more compliant, will do things by the book more … the males tend to have ego issues (don’t I know it) and are stubborn, therefore often more lethal.

In dentistry, I had a great male dentist who’d had to repair a twice botched female dentist’s treatment. The nurses though had been excellent … the best had gone off to have a child.  What to make of it all?  Everyone, by the way, wanted this male dentist … he then departed after refusing to shave the designer beard, plus other matters … is now doing well as a specialist somewhere.

Females do seem to care more but then they go and care for all the wrong people … shrilly, with purple hair.  Frankly, I don’t know what to make of it all.

Monday, 30 December 2024

Have They Tried Looking Down The Back Of The Sofa?

A pistol, rifle and deactivated World War One machine gun were among the items lost or stolen from Ministry of Defence facilities over the past two years.

Yikes! Usually, it's smaller, portable items that careless civil servants lose, isn't it?  

Figures uncovered by the Liberal Democrats show more than 700 phones, laptops, computers and USB sticks also went missing over the period.

Ah. That's more like it. Wait, back up! What have the idiots in the LibDems got to do with this? 

The party's defence spokesperson Helen Maguire said the losses were "deeply concerning", especially "at this time of heightened global security tensions".

Helen, sweetie, are you in the right job? You DO know that if the Russians or Chinese invade, they bring their own weapons, don't you? 

How much of a threat are these, should they fall into the wrong hands, anyway?

A deactivated World War Two Luger Pistol and Sten submachine gun were both lost in June 2023. In July 2023 an SA80 rife was also lost, along with a deactivated World War One German machine gun the following month, although both have subsequently been found.
Meanwhile, a Glock 19 Pistol was stolen in December 2023.

Well, the Glock's modern so obviously not deactivated but surely re-activating the others is a pretty difficult job, as would be obtaining ammo. 

And after all, it doesn't seem as if the modern criminal can't obtain firearms already. Terrorists prefer Henry Ford's invention these days, 

The Lib Dems called for an urgent inquiry into how the items were misplaced and what was being done to reduce losses and thefts. Maguire said: "The government is more butterfingered than Goldfinger when it comes to national security.
"The loss of these crucial resources is deeply concerning - especially at this time of heightened global security tensions.
"Sensitive national safety information may end up in the wrong hands, while precious public money is spent on replacements in the meantime. And the theft of dangerous weapons should seriously raise alarm bells when it comes to security."

Calm yourself, Helen. Nice soundbite, I know, but really, we don't even know these things ever left the premises - they could simply be misfiled.  

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Perfect example of shifting positions

Just as with real science, one’s positions need to adjust, one’s alliances over time. The core eternals, e.g. The Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes etc. stay the same and underpin “The West” … that is, we treat one another ethically, civilly … but human alliances depend on positions and voting records.

This is also why I for one am not into Political Parties, nor Cross Based Individual Denominations … criticising each one by one. In the case of the Uniparty, Tory branch, when I read today’s Daily Sceptic, bearing in mind that the soon to be Lord Toby runs it, and also bearing in mind this article heading and byline:

Kemi or Nigel: Who is Right?

By Anonymous IT Reporter

… firstly, the headline is expressed as a question, an old journo trick … I should know … then the old trick of the “anonymous writer” … this article is already showing signs of mendacity, of slyness and I’d guess that it would pretend to be “evenhanded” on the surface, an “honest attempt” at getting at “the truth of the matter”, whilst at the same time saying that because of doubts over Reform, “Nigel” might “clear it all up” by doing this:

Here at the Daily Sceptic we would be very interested to hear from the developer of the software as to what it actually does. One way to resolve this would be for Reform to open source that software. It is very likely in a repository on GitHub – just make it public (remove the secrets first guys, obvs). And proof of deployment would be good too.

Yes, you’d like that, Mr. Tory, whilst at the same time continuing to conceal your own and how Badenoch knew something … or didn’t. Also how in South Thanet, the boxes had not been opened until after 2 a.m. but at 11:30 p.m., a Tory spokesman was able to tell the MSM exactly who had won and roughly by how much.

Now for Nigel … clearly going for the PMship and that gong … there was also the little matter of selling out The Brexit Party to the Tories. On the other hand, he’s upped Reform membership wonderfully so far … but so have Rupert and Lee.

This post title and opening mentioned shifting positions and science. In science, one is always open to new data to be evaluated … ditto in politics. As things come to light, positions tweak, even marginally shift on the way Parties operate … but never on core verities which are part of what make us The West.