Friday 17 June 2011

About us

Who are we?

We are differing voices who come together under one banner - that of liberty.

We are political and apolitical - some belong to parties, some do not. Some are self-professed libertarians, some are small "c" conservatives, some classical liberals - the names are varied.   However we all have one thing in common, a love of personal liberty; that casualty of the encroaching state as it seeks to micromanage our lives.

In his first post for this blog, luikkerland states that writing is the the first act of rebellion.

Here, then, is our defiance. Read, engage, enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. You won't find much liberty here in UK, here your a subject not a citizen. Here your unelected betters such as the House of Lords will tell you what your going to do peasant. Even the scrap of land your house stands on isn't yours it belongs the the Queen and the best you will ever be is a freeholder never an owner. Freedom and liberty is an illusion here, in any country where the government don't trust the people democracy is dead. In UK it never really existed anyway we were just told it did.


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